Hey guys I'm back.

So, since my last set of questions, a lot has happened. The engine has been rebuilt, trans reworked. Basically, had everything reworked except the rocker arms and push rods. So, I broke the cam in last week. It seemed to have gone fine no issues. Just a little click, nothing crazy. I did the whole break in procedure, with Pen break in oil and running it for 20 mins at 2000 rpm. Then changed the oil and filter, replaced oil again with Pen break in oil.

Well, I took it for a short drive today, and it started making a very loud clicking sound. The sound got louder as revs went up. I took the valve cover off and the #4 exhaust valve rocker was very loose. So, I relashed the valve and everything seems to be running fine, but it is much further down the stud than the other valves. It idles good, no backfires, no noise. It drove fine.

After, really thinking about it. Took the cover off and check the valve for movement.... it looked the same as the others in terms of range of motion and was oiling. I went back took the rocker off, checked the push rod for straightness, put a camera in the push rod hole and looked at the lifter everything looked fine.

Next, I drained the oil there is some sparkle to it. But, this engine only has 50 miles on it. So, I imagine there would be some just from breaking the engine in.

what troubles me is how far down the stud this rocker is compared to the others. could that rocker arm just have been wrong the whole time and finally came loose?

What are your guys thoughts? What should I do? What will happen if I just run it?
