View Full Version : Tech Day forming for 1st of August

July 6th, 2009, 04:11 PM
We're trying to arrange a tech day for the first weekend in August up at Gene's place in Everett. How many would be available to go up there and help Gene on his Ranchero and Joanna on her 4-door 62? Gene's is fresh from paint and needs assembly work -- all new into new, for the most part. And Joanna needs a windshield installed, a gas-filler relocated, and possibly an ignition upgrade. Lots to do and could use as many hands on deck as we can coerce, uh, I mean convince, to come out. Gene will break out the grill and the club will buy some burger makings and drinks.

Please let us know, including Gene, whether this will work for anyone -- or whether another day might be better. Joanna is gone the 7th-16th of August, so we could do later in the month too depending on Gene's fishing schedule. :D

July 6th, 2009, 06:40 PM
Just a little bit of info for my Ranchero. I purchased a complete ("used, but in good condition") power steering setup from another club member and have never done any front-end work. I would like to "use" any volunteered labor to install that setup, and possibly even drop the front springs out to cut a coil from them. Of course, as you mentioned, there is also lots of assembly work to be done, both interior and exterior. I have all new interior pieces already and a complete set of clips to install side chrome. I have not gotten to the door openers and poppers yet, either. So there is lots to do, and I will be very appreciative of any and all assistance. My Ranchero will probably be in the garage and I have a "mostly level" double wide driveway to work on Joanna's car. I can even supply a pop-up to shelter the driveway workspace in case the weather is too wet or too hot.

The barbecue will be on the patio for the fixin's. I will supply soft drinks for those interested. If you prefer stronger libations, BYOB.

July 6th, 2009, 09:11 PM
Would be more than happy to come up and lend a hand!

July 6th, 2009, 09:14 PM
Count me in for sure! I've got window experience AND I love putting shiny new pieces on fresh paint!!


Jeff W
July 9th, 2009, 09:07 PM
As much as I would like to be involved in more tech days, I'm afraid I'm committed to taking any free moments that I have and plowing ahead on my own Falcon. After it's back on the road, I'll step up.

July 9th, 2009, 11:08 PM
Make you a deal Jeff... if you come to the tech day I'll give you the entire next day; I'll haul out my welder and grinder and we'll have at it. That way we can enjoy your presence and you'll get as much done, maybe more! Oh heck, even if you can't make it... I'll come out the next day and help you if you need it. Whatever you need.

BillP 98201
July 10th, 2009, 06:55 AM
I have to work, but get a long break. I can stop by.

July 10th, 2009, 07:05 AM
I am going to Hot August Nights in Reno the first of August and will be back in town the 13th. I want to help since I will be begging for help myself soon I hope. Please keep us informed on what specific days are in work. Thanks Larry

July 12th, 2009, 12:29 PM
All the parts are ordered and on the way! Thanks to all of you who are willing to help me out at the tech day! See everyone on the 1st (and on Wednesday for the monthly meeting).


July 15th, 2009, 09:55 PM
For those planning to attend the August 1st Tech Day, here are directions to my home:
From I-5 in S. Everett
Take Exit 189 toward Mukilteo
Take Evergreen Way Exit & keep Right to go North
In 1 block, turn Left on 79th Pl SE
In 1 block 79th turns Right onto Beverly Lane
Immediately turn Left onto Barbara Lane
Turn Right on E. Glen Drive & proceed on circle to W. Glen Drive
7923 W. Glen Drive (Grey Tri-level with White trim)
Click on the following link for a Map:

July 19th, 2009, 01:09 AM
I can make it and try to lend a hand or 2 and meet some of you guys as well. Any idea of a general start time ?

On a side note, got to meet Bill 98201 today. Nice fella.

July 20th, 2009, 10:08 AM
Sorry for the late reply! I think we decided on 9:00 or so to start. Someone correct me if I'm wrong. But of course, show up when you can and any help will be appreciated.

Also, we're spending some of our hard earned money from the club funds on lunch provisions for the grill.

July 21st, 2009, 12:12 AM
Thanks Kenny

July 28th, 2009, 02:14 PM

Just a reminder that Tech Day `09 is coming up this weekend. I'm hoping the heat wave will have passed by then!! :eek:

Even if you can't stay for long, feel free to stop by and say hello.

Scroll up for details...

July 28th, 2009, 02:19 PM
I'll be there bright n early! Here's hoping the old gal doesn't break down along the way! Now that would make for a productive tech day...


July 29th, 2009, 08:20 AM
Hi guys! Potential issue brewing...

Last night, around 9, I drove my Falcon around for about 30 minutes and towards the end of the drive, I heard the old "clicking" noise that started up last summer right before the starter crapped out.

When I parked it after the drive, I put it in neutral and let it idle (the clicking was pretty loud by this time), but then it kept stalling out (gen. and oil lights on, then stall). When I started it up again, it was only a matter of seconds before it stalled out again....I did this a few times with the same result. I tried to look under the hood to locate the source of the clicking noise, but my flashlight wasn't working (of course).

Anyways, I started it up this morning and it seemed fine again (no clicking and no stalling out), so I guess a question is: is this issue a result of the heat (since this morning, after a night of cool air it seemed fine)?

I'm worried because I'll need to make it out to Everett for the tech day on Saturday and it's acting up just in the nick of time.

Any advice would be appreciated!


July 29th, 2009, 03:22 PM

It could be overheating a bit. Have you checked the radiator fluid lately (when it's cold)? When a engine starts getting extremely hot it can almost want to seize as things expand. Not a good thing to let happen. Do you have a working temperature gauge on this car, or is it an idiot light? I don't have your year car, so I can't recall what they have. If it's a temp gauge and not a light, has it been somewhat normal as you'd expect it to be for the temps we're having? How long had you been driving it when this happened? Was it all stop and go or freeway? Suffice it to say, these days are going to prove just about everyone's cooling system, if that's what it is. I'm thinking this since it was OK when it cooled off.

On another note regarding your car, I have the new windshield now. Was delivered to me today at work, which was nice. I'll send you a PM about that.

Hey, if worse come to worse, I can run over there tomorrow or Friday and have a look. And of course, one of us can probably meet up with you and follow you in case something happens enroute to Gene's

July 29th, 2009, 03:31 PM

Thanks for the response...not sure about the radiator fluid. I can get out the old manual and figure out how to check it tonight.

My Falcon is a 62. I'm pretty sure I have a temp gauge and not sure if it works or not... I'll also double check tonight.

I drove it for about 30 minutes, stop and go...not on the freeway, just around the neighborhood and along Alki.

Excited about the windshield! Thanks again for arranging that. I'll check my email to see if you wrote separately about that. I'll be armed with my checkbook on Saturday.

July 29th, 2009, 03:48 PM

With the engine cool to cold, just open (slowly) the radiator cap and look down inside the hole. Water (greenish, hopefully) should be up to the top of the bottom lip you'll see about an inch down. Also, you should check the lower radiator hose just like I posted for Zoran in Croatia. The lower radiator hose is supposed to have a spring running inside of it to keep it from collapsing. Since the lower hose is the suction hose feeding the engine, if it collapses due to suction the engine can't get the cooler water out of the radiator and it's get hot quick.

Of course, today's record temps will push any car to its limit. Maybe at 8AM on Saturday it'll be happier.

July 30th, 2009, 10:08 PM
Well Joanna, I'm hoping, as are others, I'm sure, you found something simple all all is well. Any status report?

It sounds like we'll have slightly cooler weather for that day -- but if any of you have portable pop-up tents, it might be nice to have a couple of those. I was going to bring one, but it's out at a show this weekend...

July 31st, 2009, 10:27 AM
Hi, all! Sorry for not updating sooner...

I checked the radiator fluid and the hose and all is well! My hope is that it was simply heat related and I'll get out to Everett tomorrow with no issues.

I have Kenny's number and will cal if anything happens, but for now, count on me being at Gene's bright and early! I'll bring donuts!


falcon cobra
July 31st, 2009, 11:34 AM
So how many of us are going to tech day? besides roger and maybe me [ not into heat ] and the gal that gets the windshild....:BEER:

July 31st, 2009, 05:09 PM
I'll be there!

July 31st, 2009, 08:39 PM
I know it's late. I'm bringing the tools for the front end alignment. I live down south of the Mason Dixen line by Auburn, I don't remember what time is ok to show up? Also, just in case I get lost a phone # would be handy. Hope to here from someone? Thanks Paully :WHATTHE:

July 31st, 2009, 09:46 PM
Paul - PM sent with phone number. Feel free to call anytime.

As for the start time, I think Gene is hoping we show up around 9AM, but it's an open day -- come when you can and stay as long as you can. Heck, even if it's during your lunch break.

In case anyone is taking stock of things to bring, here's what I have:

• Windshield for Joanna's car
• 2 half tubes of window sealer
• 2 filler necks for a gas tank mod. One is Joanna's.
• Nitrile gloves (for that black goop)
• Mineral Spirits (to clean off excess black goop)
• Some tools
• Pull rope to install the glass
• One big-a$$ fan to move air

July 31st, 2009, 09:50 PM
I've got the tunes, my electrical stuff to install the Pertronix, leftover tableware from the regional meeting and most importantly the club debit card for the lunch goodies!

July 31st, 2009, 10:07 PM
Might also ought to bring a can of Hammerite in case we need to do a quick paint-under-the-windshield-rubber on Joanna's car. I've got a can of blue. It dries really fast, which is good.

I'm sure I'll think of other things to bring. Maybe something to pull out her radio and see if that can be made to work (time allowing).

July 31st, 2009, 10:13 PM
Hi, all! Sorry for not updating sooner...

I checked the radiator fluid and the hose and all is well! My hope is that it was simply heat related and I'll get out to Everett tomorrow with no issues.

I have Kenny's number and will cal if anything happens, but for now, count on me being at Gene's bright and early! I'll bring donuts!


That's good Joanna. The donuts, I mean. Umm donuts....

July 31st, 2009, 10:32 PM
Sorry - I've been scarce around here lately. Where is the tech day info posted?

*edit* Found it, but can't make it up that far north Saturday. Have fun!

July 31st, 2009, 10:39 PM
How far south are you Thor that this is "that far north?" Just curious where you're at these days.

July 31st, 2009, 11:25 PM
I'm right off I-90 in Bellevue (Lake Hills) , Roger. I thought I read that this was in Everett or Mukilteo - have other things planned for tomorrow, so can't take the time to get up there unfortunately. A friend from Italy is visiting the day of the next club meeting, so hopefully I'll see you guys in September...

August 1st, 2009, 07:57 AM
:banana:I will be there around 9. Looking forward to it. I'm bringing tools including a spring compressor.

August 1st, 2009, 07:57 PM
Thanks to everyone who made it to the tech day today. We were able to get Joanna's new windshield in, her trunk access fuel filler in, and the Pertronix installed -- not to mention a pair of better front window cranks! Gene got weatherstipping in plus both doors of his Ranchero setup with electric door openers to go with his shaved door handles. Bill Williams got a front-end alignment thanks to Paully bringing his tools to do that -- of course after putting a new speedo in his car...
(or is that his wife's car....:confused:)

It was a little touch and go on few things (2x tries to get the windshield in and a little longer than 15 minutes to install the Pertronix), but all-in-all it was a very productive day.

Again, thanks to everyone for coming out.

August 1st, 2009, 08:15 PM
I need to echo Roger's post regarding all who attended the Tech Day at my home today. I had a great time meeeting several new people and a lot was accomplished. For those of you that couldn't make it, you missed Chef John's great burgers from the Barby and you were all missed. I am VERY appreciative of the assistance I received on my Ranchero. We made great inroads on the door openers (solenoids are mounted in both doors and will open the doors when power is applied). Now to get the control module mounted and the key fob working. At this time, the poppers aren't even needed thanks to new seals on the doors. Anyway, thanks to all who came! It was a very enjoyable day!

PS - - - Some one left a very nice brushed stainless Starbuck's coffee container here. Let me know who and I will get it to you somehow.

August 1st, 2009, 08:58 PM
Roger and Gene,

I was thinking about the door openers. There is no need to use my "L" adapters if you are to eliminate the original door handle rod. Just connec the solinoid rod directly to the latch where the old rod was.

August 1st, 2009, 09:02 PM
Hello! I had a great day with all of you and REALLY appreciate the help you gave me and my car! Thanks to all of you SO MUCH, but especially Gene and his wife for the use of their lovely home, Roger and John for the windshield installation, Kenny for the fuel filler, and Patrick for the jazzy new door handles! It felt like Christmas Day!

It was such fun to spend the day with such nice and helpful guys and I want to thank you all so much!! :D


August 1st, 2009, 09:50 PM
PS - - - Some one left a very nice brushed stainless Starbuck's coffee container here. Let me know who and I will get it to you somehow.

AHH! That was me. I set it on your shelf by the garage door. What am I to do now... Hey, if you're around tomorrow I'll swing by and get it before I start my garage painting, which I can't do until the sun gets around the corner.

August 1st, 2009, 09:53 PM
Roger and Gene,

I was thinking about the door openers. There is no need to use my "L" adapters if you are to eliminate the original door handle rod. Just connec the solinoid rod directly to the latch where the old rod was.

True -- just need to round up two new clothes hangers to hack. They were awfully nice though.

August 1st, 2009, 10:02 PM
Thanks to all of you SO MUCH, but especially Gene and his wife for the use of their lovely home...

Indeed. Sorry I neglected this important point.


August 1st, 2009, 11:22 PM
For myself, it was really nice to put some faces with some names/forum names and be welcomed.

I would've liked to have stayed to see the poppers working as I thought that the whole idea in general was pretty neat. I'm glad I was able to find someone that can use those sun visors.

I really enjoyed your story about receiving your Falcon from your Grandfather. I think it speaks volumes about you that you want to keep it and get it back to the way he had always kept it. Classy.

It was really nice to meet the rest of the folks present as well {Roger, Kenny, Paul & Kathy {?} John, Patrick, Bill W and Bill P.

Once I can get to a day shift position at work, instead of swings, I look forward to getting to know all of you more.

Regards, Jon

falcon cobra
August 2nd, 2009, 08:54 AM
It sure was a great day,got a little warm but it is summer. our fearless leader hard at work once again, there were about 8 or 9 falcons there , we could have our own show....thanks all that came....johnh:rocker:

August 2nd, 2009, 09:11 AM
Super turnout! I wish I would have had more time to watch the front end alignment. That's something I've always had done by someone else but would like to learn more about.

Still lots of work to do to get Gene's Ranchero on the road. We should have another in a month or so to work on that. I hate to see such a nice ride just sitting in a garage.

Thanks to everyone!

August 2nd, 2009, 09:15 AM
You'd almost think from that first picture I was the only one there.

And man, I'm starting to look my age.... :(
I guess as long as I don't act it, that's OK.

August 2nd, 2009, 09:52 AM
You'd almost think from that first picture I was the only one there.

And man, I'm starting to look my age.... :(
I guess as long as I don't act it, that's OK.

I was going to say the same thing. Not about your age ;) but where the hell is everyone?! It's like someone yelled "say cheese!" and everybody split.

If anyone has photos, please post them or email them to me so I can get a few for the newsletter.

falcon cobra
August 2nd, 2009, 01:27 PM
Here are the others, I only took a few, I can see it's caption time....john h:ROTFLMAO:

August 2nd, 2009, 09:41 PM
PIcture #2: "Hey Gene, I think I found a hole in your floor."

Picture #4: "Who am I? How did I get here?"

Picture #5: Joanna thinks to herself, 'I don't remember there being this big hole in my floor?' or "Who are these guys -- What did I get myself into?"

falcon cobra
August 3rd, 2009, 08:36 AM
picture 2... ''I may not have it on the road yet but I do have a rainier falcons bobble head''
picture 4... ''Ok little blue falcon this won't hurt a bit and you will run as good as new'':rocker:

August 7th, 2009, 01:06 AM
Pic #1 - "hmmm, I think these seats may be a little too low. Uh Gene ? Gene ? Yeahhhh, about these seats...". :D

P.S. I THINK Joanna said she had taken some pics that she was going to send to Kenny.