View Full Version : Trunk Lock

January 27th, 2009, 06:00 AM
Hello Everyone,

I have a question about the truck lock assembly. Mine works great but the gold part (door) is dull. I have not tried to polish it yet because I am concerned the polish wheel may remove the gold finish. How can I restore the beauty of the gold door? I have seen these truck lock assemblies selling for over $200 and I just cannot afford to buy a new one. Thanks in advance for your time.


January 27th, 2009, 12:37 PM
I had mine plated (along with the birds on the front fenders). It's been 10 years and is finally wearing off in a couple of places on the latch cover. It was actually gold plated by the same place here in Seattle that did the chrome work.

A few years into having them installed, I got into a fender bender and one of the birds got banged up. So I took another pair and painted them with a gold metallic paint and matte clear coat (both rattle can). That actually looks pretty good too. And of course not as hard on the wallet!