View Full Version : Just Curious

Hal Cogburn
June 11th, 2008, 08:08 PM
Just curious on the the "official" club members....are the majority north of Seattle or south? I'm considering joining if nothing else but to support the club and web site but depending on where the majority of the action/meetings take place I'm not sure how much I could participate. With work and such kind of tough traveling too far for evening events...


Jeff W
June 11th, 2008, 10:14 PM
Hi Hal and other prospective members,

I am in Seattle, about as central as one can get. Even though I'm likely located in the middle of the "action", I too am limited with the time I can devote to the club. I feel very connected to our members via this Forum and can easily (and often do) pick up the phone to get real time answers.

Staying involved with the club doesn't necessarily mean that you show up at every meeting or participate in every show.

There are many reasons people join car clubs. Mine is to get answers. This forum is a great way to do that. If I need muscle, a part or some eyes on the market to find that '62-'63 two door wagon I want*, I feel empowered to ask my fellow members for help.

Don't get me wrong, I would still ask even if I wasn't a paying member. Everyone here would help anyone else regardless of club status. I find it easier ask for help when it's someone "in the family".

Oh, and let's not forget the award-worthy "Falcon Flyer" newsletter that is only sent to paying club members.
Before becoming club treasure, I never realized what a clubs "dues" were meant to cover. I assumed "someone" was getting benefit from the money.

Here is what the dues cover for the club: Newsletter printing costs, Postage, Web-site domain name (www.rainierfalcons.com (http://www.rainierfalcons.com/)), Forum software, Invite to join cards, this month we sponsored an award for the Regional meet in Salem. It basically covers the cost of the "Ladies Choice" plaque ($50.00).

There isn't any "Car Wash for the President's Falcon, dinner for the officers or anything like that. All of the officers are very frugal; they sweat, fret and debate over spending each penny. Rest assured, any money collected is well spent.

*looking for clean '62-'63 two door wagon. Automatic. Would consider '60 or '61.

June 12th, 2008, 12:17 AM
Well said Mr. Watson!

I live in the North Ballard (actually Crown Hill) area. I personally like the mix of keeping in touch on this forum and meeting up at car shows throughout the summer. My time off stays pretty full with lots of different projects and I devote as much as I can to this forum and, lately, helping with the regional.

I realize we need regular meetings and, like most people, I would prefer they were held somewhere just 10 minutes from my home. But...I'll take the time to drive further away once a month to take care of business. Of the 15 paid members, we have 6 in Seattle, 3 in Everett, and one each in Woodinville, Mill Creek, Lynnwood, Bellevue, Graham, and Spanaway.

I think the only way the club will keep growing is if we get a few more core people who want to take on some tasks that need to be done. And of course a little $$ in the bank account would be nice! So if you have some time to devote or an idea on how to keep the club healthy and active feel free to speak up.

June 17th, 2008, 04:19 PM
No car wash for the president's Falcon! I thought that was one of the perks! Oh well.

Hal, I live in the north Lynnwood area (OK, you might as well call it Everett, but don't because my house value would drop more than it has). I'm about to begin to hound a couple people to help me get this show on the road and have some regular meetings and such, which I think is KEY to having a club that attracts and holds regular members. Even as president I don't often feel connected on a day to day basis with "something" and as such feel there is something missing. So, more than likely a meeting will be held in the evenings once a month and we'll also likely alternate north and south rather than to try and find a center location in an area like ours that has no real center. It's too soon to tell how it's all going to gel, but I for one am committed to the idea of making Rainier Falcons a club worthy of the national club... not to mention the car itself.

Hal Cogburn
July 5th, 2008, 09:19 AM
I have sent off my application for the Falcon Club of America (I believe you have to be a member before joining the local club?)....once I get that taken care of then will join this group. Although living in Buckley it may be a little difficult to participate much I want to support the club and site. Hopefully I will hear back in a week or so then can send the dues to the appropriate person here.


July 5th, 2008, 10:14 AM
Thanks Hal. Everyone appreciates your support. Even if you can't make it to too many events, I think this Forum adds value to the club. If you need advice, a spare part, or a hand...we're always here!

Hal Cogburn
July 18th, 2008, 08:22 PM
Finally got the information back from the Falcon Club of America...along with my number. So...now that I am "official" how do I take care of paying the dues here? PayPal is nice and easy for me....but whatever you folks need just let me know....


Hal Cogburn
July 18th, 2008, 09:05 PM
Answered my own question...found the line on the home page showing how to join....you should have the PayPal payment. I tried to add a couple of bucks to it to cover the paypal charge but couldn't make it work.

July 19th, 2008, 02:19 AM

Welcome to the club officially! [thumb]