View Full Version : Electrical troubles, is my regulator dead?

January 29th, 2021, 07:43 AM
Hi, I just fired up the old bird. We wanted to go to the beach on sunday and she had been sitting for a few weeks, usually I fire her up beforehand to eliminate any starting issues.

But: The gen light stayed on!:NERVOUS:

I've had that happen on the last long trip as wel when I took the highway exit, but with some revving the light went out, but I did hear something clicking sharp, under the hood for a short time. After that I drove a short trip a few days later with no troubles.

I checked the volts on the battery, that was with engine running 12,4 volts (battery should be partially drained due to sitting in cold weather).


Are there any other checks I can perform?
Is this a sure sign of my regulator goiing bad (it's the original one, had it tested during the restoration in 2005 something and it was good)?
Should I also suspect the generator?

Imput is appreciated (ps I hate car electricity)
FYI, it's the original64, charging system, generator and voltage regulator, nothing was modified.

January 29th, 2021, 02:26 PM
Man... generators. When was the last time I tested a generator... mmm... 1983?

Here's the source if you don't have it available. Gives you test procedures to see what it might be, generator or regulator.


February 21st, 2021, 01:11 PM
Thanks Roger.
I got some advice form the inline six forum as well.
Today I cleaned all my connectors, gave them a nice sandpaper scrub and reassembled with some vaseline.

After starting still no charging.
I checked the generator with my volts meter and it showed a charging voltage of 0....
I guess my brushes have gone south.

Best part was, when I removed the generator form the car, I noticed the rear bearing had failed, nice grinding sound.
So now I have a generator rebuild for free. YAY.

I managed to find a local source for a 64 generator rebuild kit (brushes, bearings and commutator), so I've got my very own corona project now.
(on top of the other 100 or so that are in the que)

February 21st, 2021, 05:47 PM
Wow... local source for 1964 Ford generator parts. Amazing. I doubt you can even get them in the states. HA!

April 18th, 2021, 12:41 PM
Hi All.
Just to let you know, it was the generator. The brushes were totally worn and the insulation of a wire had failed causing a short. I replaced the armature, brushes and bearings and gave it all a nice coat of paint. The wire Ihad done at a dynamo shop I stubled upon.
Today I instalked the gen in the car and after firing her up the generator worked again

April 23rd, 2021, 01:49 PM
Yay! That's how you do it. I remember in the 70's and 80's I'd always rebuild starters and stuff. I guess I stopped when parts and time got more expensive than the new ones on the shelf.
