View Full Version : 63 4 door wagon side window trim removal

October 25th, 2020, 08:22 PM
I did a search but I can't seem to find any info on this. Does anyone know how to remove the stainless trim on the quarter windows on a wagon. The rear corner stainless pieces of my trim have holes in them from someone installing those little wind baffles that were used in that era.The windows are coming out for painting but I don't know where to start on the trim.Thanks in advance for any help.....Loren

October 25th, 2020, 10:25 PM
Looking at the shop manual it appears the rear quarter glass trim is retained similarly to the windshield glass; with a channel in the rubber for a "T" and "L" catch section of the trim being inserted into it. Meaning you insert the trim prior to installing the glass and removing it requires removal of the rubber (slicing the inside lip off that retains the glass) and once the glass, trim, and old rubber is removed, the trim can then come out of the rubber. See section AA and BB in this image.

This basically means if you intend to save the rubber you'll have to somehow raise the lip on the inside nearly all the way up and away from the pinch-weld on at least the sides and the top to allow pushing the glass, rubber, and trim, out of the body. Hard to do unless the rubber is like really supple, which is rarely the case after 60 years. The rubber is available for $80 on-line, so not worth risking breaking the glass to save the rubber.

October 26th, 2020, 08:14 AM
Thanks Roger.I have ordered the window rubbers but just didn't know about the rear corner piece. It may become obvious when I remove the window......Loren

October 26th, 2020, 05:51 PM
Now that the quarter window solution has been found thanks to Roger, I cannot figure out how to remove the rear door windows. If I could remove the division bar the window would come out easily but how does it come out? Not only am I stumped, my bodyman is lost also.....you can rest assured I will be adding a shop manual to my next parts order...Again thanks in advance for all help and solutions.....Loren

October 26th, 2020, 10:26 PM

They do come out, I'm sure of that! I've done lots of front doors and my old tudor wagon (hence my user-name/handle here) I never pulled those rear windows. My best guess is, without looking it up yet, is that the glass regulator has to come out first to let the glass go as low as it can, then perhaps at that point the glass track can be removed. But I'm going to look and see what I can find for you.

As for manuals, there is a great site you can look up whatever you want.


October 27th, 2020, 10:05 AM
Thanks Roger. I have taken out the regulator and all the lock mechanism but the window doesn't seem to go low enough to get it out of the window track. I'm sure there is a method or trick to it, but at this point I can't figure it out....very frustrating....Thanks for the reply....

October 27th, 2020, 01:32 PM
There is also a stop that sets the lowest movement of the glass. Just read the instructions on page 12-39/40 of the 60-62 manual (applies to 63) gives a step by step and only deviates for the stationary glass on the rear door. Hopefully you were able to see the links to the manual web site I posted, but if not here are the pages.

October 27th, 2020, 03:52 PM
Roger. Thanks for the link to the manuals, I am sure that will be very handy. I am heading out to the shop in a while a see if I can figure this thing out. Front doors seem to be straight forward but these rear doors have me stumped.I know I am missing something simple....story of my life...lol...Thanks once again.....Loren

October 29th, 2020, 02:31 PM
https://www.rainierfalcons.com/forums/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Loren
Hi Roger. We solved the rear window removal mystery on my 4 door wagon. The division bar between the small stable glass and the window glass looks like one piece however it is two. The stainless division bar has another channel piece inside it with stainless edges on it. It looks like one piece, but when the inside channel piece is loosened and removed it gives enough room to get the window out. Hope this makes sense.I thought I would send this to you directly as it is a bit long . I'm sure it will help others as one parts vendor I contacted said he sold a rear window glass,but he cut the top of the door frame off to get the window out. You can do what you wish with info,as you may come across this problem again....Thanks....Loren

November 3rd, 2020, 01:24 PM
Thanks Loren. Hopefully your information can help somebody else.