View Full Version : Next for a shop

April 14th, 2020, 03:27 PM
I loved watching Roger's shop thread so figured I'd start one of my own. Of course, this Covid-19 thing has ceased the beginning of the project.

Some background - we moved to a new place in October to downsize among other things. I had a shared shop in that location that was fantastic and included my office (I have worked from home since 2004). The loss of that shop was a tough thing but my wife agreed we would need to build one at the new place. It needs to house the bicycle collection, my Falcon, my office and a batting cage for my daughter (she said she'd take the smaller bedroom at this house if she could have a batting cage). No problem with that in my mind as she has a goal of playing college softball.

I decided I really didn't want to go with a pole barn and would rather have a stick built structure. I found a local contractor who was planning to move to Colorado who had shop plans for his property that he decided not to build. It also included all the trusses as he had had them built and delivered to his property. It was going to have a studio apartment in it. I redid the floor plan to make the studio my office, add a small store room for my wife and submitted the plans to the county on December 9, 2019. I was expecting about 6-8 weeks.

Week 7 I get a an email from the county that they wanted the revisions I made actually on the plan and the location of the propane heat identified. They also wanted a foundation plan which I had never received with the original set. I went to the original architect in Yakima for the changes and took the revised plans into the building department. 3 weeks later (after a lot of pestering on my part) my wife finally picked up the permit on the Friday before the county shut the department and the stay at home orders came about.

Funny story about the guy I bought the plans and trusses from. He's a car guy and really took an interest in my Falcon. He had an old Jeep and Dodge pickup. A month or so had gone by and he was delivering the trusses to our new place and he says "I bought a Falcon". He saw m surprised look. He had seen an add for a 64 Ranchero here in eastern WA and traded his Jeep for it. He loves the Ranchero and worked on it over the winter with his son. When he finally moves to Colorado he's planning on joining the Falcon chapter there. His dad has a little hot rod shop here so he'll get it painted in trade for some work and I'm sure it will be really nice.

Photos attached - the area where the shop will go, the plans and the ever precious permit. Just hoping things get started again soon so I can move my office into it.

Shop is going in just past the fence - measures 36' X 48'



The permit is in hand!


April 14th, 2020, 11:45 PM
This is going to be a nice shop! I need to update my thread with some current pictures of stuffing it to the gills. Worked inside the house on a room I stored a bunch of boxes in - that I thought all the boxes for the garage were removed from already - and ended up finding another half-dozen boxes of things I now need space for. But where? Wish it was the size of the original plan I had, but in Seattle the permitting is hair pulling, so I relented and went to a size allowing it to be built in this decade. Anyway, looking forward to seeing yours go up!

April 24th, 2020, 09:30 PM
Got a call from the guy I bought the plans from today after the governor's press conference. The plan is to mark off for the foundation on Monday morning and the excavation company will be here Tuesday to start digging.

April 24th, 2020, 11:15 PM
That's awesome news Scott. I understand some of the need to avoid face-to-face sort of thing, but it's good to see some loosening to the point where you can build things again. Pictures as they go please? We all need something to do, even if it's watching others get things done.

April 27th, 2020, 12:36 PM
The official lines are painted. Excavation in the morning.

April 28th, 2020, 02:21 PM
Excavator showed up at 7:30 this morning. What a cool machine - would be fun to use at some point.


He was at it for 3.5 hrs or so but it looks good. Foundation forms go in tomorrow and inspection for that on Thursday.

Looking east


Looking north


I was afraid this was going to happen. The creek behind us is way up due to spring melt in the mountains. That's created a high water table situation. I'll be looking at installing a French drain on the east side of the foundation.


May 6th, 2020, 01:41 PM
Things are moving at a good pace. Foundation footings were poured on Monday and foundation walls go in this afternoon. Then we have the back filling and slab and we're ready for framing. The contractor is supposed to have another job starting on the 15th but it's confident it will so he's pushing through with this. A little bittersweet since it was supposed to be his shop.



The surface water has been a challenge. I had a neighbor dig out a relief trench on Friday evening with the thought of doing a french drain. He went a little deep so the outlet may be an issue. However, it helped drain the water from the footing forms. I pumped that ditch a couple of times a day over the weekend to keep the foundation trench clear of standing water as much as possible.



There's 20" of drop from the north (far side) to south walls in just 48 feet


May 24th, 2020, 01:58 PM
Don't leave us hanging Scott - any walls going up yet?

May 24th, 2020, 10:23 PM
We're prepped and ready for the concrete slab on Tuesday. It's been a delay of a week and a half. Slab was supposed to be poured on May 15th but the wind was really strong in the morning. The slab contractor was concerned the cement would dry/cure too fast and create spiderweb cracks on the top so it was postponed to the 22nd (last Friday). Again, it was blowing hard so now we're at Tuesday. The forecast looks good. Hindsight, we should have just done it on the 15th in the afternoon after the wind completely stopped.

May 25th, 2020, 10:53 AM
That's a bummer. I was worried when they did mine because it was getting late in the year, but the weather held out perfectly. Fingers crossed for you they make it tomorrow!

May 27th, 2020, 06:19 PM
And we have foundation walls and a slab. Wind held off today and temps in the 80's. Perfect day to get that done. They did a little extra work with a sealer since I had a vapor barrier installed under the slab before it was poured to try and control any spring ground moisture that might exist when the water table is up. Hopefully some framing starts next week.


June 18th, 2020, 09:22 PM
Well, lumber has finally arrived so hoping the framing starts next week. The contractor has been working on a house so we have to be a little patient.

June 18th, 2020, 11:35 PM
Well Scott - at least it's only June and not pushing November. Looking forward to the assembly pics!

June 30th, 2020, 07:26 PM
Well, a month has gone by and we're finally "it" for the contractor. First wall went up today and we're hoping by the end of next week to have trusses and roof sheathing on. He's heading to Colorado to look for property this weekend so we'll see him tomorrow and then back at it on Monday.

Those 10 ft walls look tall for sure.


July 1st, 2020, 10:20 PM
I got 9' walls, but that extra foot was quite nice to have. I've been in short garages and pulling an engine was tough!

That is one lonely looking wall...:(

July 2nd, 2020, 07:47 AM
The wall is less lonely now. Tues/Wed the walls should be finished then I'll help him with the trusses on Thursday/Friday next week. The trusses have been sitting there all lonely since November.



July 2nd, 2020, 10:49 AM
Yes, much less lonely. It's gonna be nice.

People still come into mine as say "Where's the windows? and What? No windows?" I say windows would just end up needing bars and then my garage becomes a jail. No fun in that.

July 2nd, 2020, 01:39 PM
Windows here will be in my work office. The garage doors will have windows at the top. Just want it much harder for people to be able to see inside.

July 9th, 2020, 04:51 PM
Interior walls for the office and store room should be framed tomorrow. Forklift will be here on Monday to install the glulam header above the double garage door and help with the trusses. I'll take the day off to help with the truss work. Hopefully by the end of next week we'll have the propane tank installed and the hvac ready to go in. Wall heater in the office and ceiling heater in the shop.



July 14th, 2020, 08:58 PM
More progress pics. Yesterday and today saw a lot of work, I took yesterday off to help with placement of the trusses. Slivers in the hand prove I was definitely present and working. The front overhang and shed roof off the side still need to be framed in but it's taking shape nicely.

My ceiling speakers arrived. I messed up and ordered 6 pairs - didn't need that many. But, heck, I'll use them all. I have three stereo receivers to use so I can split the shop area into two zones and then use 4 in my office space.



Looking north to the peaked section of the shop. The temp wall to the right was built so one contractor could walk on it as we slid the trusses across. Glad that wasn't my job


Looking to the south. My office is the room in the corner to the left with the windows.



July 16th, 2020, 03:04 PM
Very exciting! I remember this period well ( it wasn't that long ago - ha! :rolleyes: ). Not too far out and you'll be inside and getting it all setup. So, are you going crazy like I did and insulating and sheetrock? Glad I did. Can heat that space with next to nothing.

July 16th, 2020, 04:30 PM
Very exciting! I remember this period well ( it wasn't that long ago - ha! :rolleyes: ). Not too far out and you'll be inside and getting it all setup. So, are you going crazy like I did and insulating and sheetrock? Glad I did. Can heat that space with next to nothing.

Yep - insulated and drywall inside. Propane heat - 75,000 btu wall hung heater in the shop area and wall heater in my office. We'll paint inside and out ourselves and I'll also do the trim work inside as well as installing the flooring in my office.

July 28th, 2020, 08:23 PM
Framing is now complete (only exception is the raised floor in my office). Propane tank should be set tomorrow. The electrical rough in was done today and the roofing material is sitting on the roof waiting for a little cooler temps. Garage door quote was also received today. So, just a matter of subs continuing to come in and work. Also picked up the flooring last Thursday for the office.

August 13th, 2020, 07:39 AM
Had a slight delay on the roof installation thanks to a week of high 90/low 100 temps and then last week when they were just starting one of the guys fell off and broke an ankle. So, the boss was here roofing by himself for 3 days and two former employees finished it up over the weekend.

Framing inspection passed yesterday so on to insulation and drywall. I spent some time on the tractor last night filling the trench for the power and phone/internet as well as filling the post holes for the shed roof off the side.


August 14th, 2020, 12:26 AM
Looking at that I said to myself - "That's almost exactly the size of my last house!" I think you're gonna spend way too much time out there. My wife has already started to lament my "garage time." I assure her it's only due to 3 years doing without and I'll soon find balance.


August 14th, 2020, 07:58 AM
Looking at that I said to myself - "That's almost exactly the size of my last house!" I think you're gonna spend way too much time out there. My wife has already started to lament my "garage time." I assure her it's only due to 3 years doing without and I'll soon find balance.


For sure - my wife refers to it as my house. Our 3 bedroom home is 1833 sf. The shop is 1728 sf. I can't wait to move my office into it and out of the house - this year has been a challenge for work with everyone home.

September 12th, 2020, 07:49 PM
There's been some progress in the past month. Drywall went in a week and a half ago and it took that long for the taper/mudding/texture guys to show up. Siding and exterior trim was finished today - took him two weeks also. Garage doors are on order and exterior paint will happen next weekend. We'll paint the inside ourselves. Finish electric is just waiting in the wings for me to give them the go ahead.




The holes in the ceiling are for speakers . There's also a 220 outlet on the ceiling for the future dream car lift


Found some cabinets in East Wenatchee last weekend for $40 - so the planning for interior setup has begun


September 15th, 2020, 11:34 PM
Looking nice Scott. You sure you don't need a herd of Falcons to park all around it? I hear of a few in the Cle Elum area. FWIW I will be looking at the collection to give an assessment to the lady who owns them in the next few days. I'm heading over to CDA ID this weekend and then up to Colville to spread my moms ashes up where she was born and - will stop and look at them on the way home. Sounds like an interesting collection.

September 16th, 2020, 07:05 AM
Looking nice Scott. You sure you don't need a herd of Falcons to park all around it? I hear of a few in the Cle Elum area. FWIW I will be looking at the collection to give an assessment to the lady who owns them in the next few days. I'm heading over to CDA ID this weekend and then up to Colville to spread my moms ashes up where she was born and - will stop and look at them on the way home. Sounds like an interesting collection.

I have spoken to the owner of those cars as well and was planning on checking them out. Maybe we can coordinate a time to be there together. I'll be in Montesano all day Saturday but other than that I'm open. I told my wife about it and got the "you're not getting another Falcon" comment. We'll see. I plan on retiring in 5 yrs so I need a project, right?

September 17th, 2020, 12:10 AM
Scott - Looks like we'll be shooting for a return to Seattle on Monday sometime. Not sure the exact time. Probably leave CDA right after breakfast and end up in Cle Elum about 5 hours later? I don't travel over that direction and back enough to set into my brain how long of a drive it is.

I guess Google is your friend. Just over 3 hours drive in light traffic. So, being a Monday, 4 hours. Assume between 2 and 3 PM on Monday. I've yet to confirm with the owner their availability, which I'll do tomorrow. If you're able, would be great.

September 26th, 2020, 08:17 PM
Getting so very, very close. I told the electrician I had old eyes. Won't have any problems seeing in the shop now, especially when my daughter is pitching.



September 27th, 2020, 12:12 AM
Looks awesome Scott. I know, the older I got, the more I appreciated light. I loaded up on Costco LED 4' lights. Still have to use task lighting. But your shop is looking ready for a whole pile of Falcons... :D

October 2nd, 2020, 04:59 PM
Wow that’s a nice shop Scott...really nice.

October 16th, 2020, 09:46 AM
And it's home in the shop


October 17th, 2020, 08:17 AM
Wow, very nice. I was going to say “everything but the kitchen sink,” but I think you have that too. Nice heater up there...that will certainly make a difference. Is that a beer keg fridge on the left?
So what is your next project?

October 17th, 2020, 10:45 PM
Wow, very nice. I was going to say “everything but the kitchen sink,” but I think you have that too. Nice heater up there...that will certainly make a difference. Is that a beer keg fridge on the left?
So what is your next project?

I actually didn't want to deal with the water situation with the county so it's a "dry" shop. However there is a mini-fridge (with beer) and a microwave on top. Had lunch out there today.

Spent most of the day organizing bike parts and putting them away. Still need to figure out the storage situation with them and hanging them. I also spent the evening unpacking my office space and setting up the stereo and tv - 4 ceilings speakers sound pretty good when watching the Bourne Supremacy. :)