View Full Version : Chapter meeting CANCELLED for the 18th of March

February 11th, 2020, 12:13 AM
[EDIT] We've decided to cancel the meeting this time. Sorry guys. Be well.

[ORIGINAL POST] I've been trying to focus on getting my garage outfitted and the Ranchero housed within, so looking for a suitable southern-end meeting spot hasn't made the top of the priority list. I'm still open to having the meeting south more if that will get a few more folks involved.

If any of you know of a sweet spot to meet and talk shop/Falcon, please speak up. I think we need to limit the "south" to about I-5/405/South Center if we expect to get any of the north folk to come. It would be nice to have a spot as central to all interested parties as possible. Lacking a spot, it'll be at BurgerMaster again. [CLOSE ORIGINAL POST]


February 11th, 2020, 11:46 AM
I've lost my mind. The meetings resume in March - assuming anyone, other than Jeff, even saw the February mention.

February 25th, 2020, 06:05 PM
I’m setting a reminder now. Feb was stupid busy, I though I missed a meeting. :banana:

February 26th, 2020, 09:33 PM
Yeah Mike, I thought I was gonna miss it when I posted a meeting for last month. I was gently reminded I was off a month and it is in March.

February 28th, 2020, 02:17 AM
Well...I was hoping to get to the March meeting...hoping only to have to go as far north as south center as I was looking for a place to suggest, but alas work strikes again and I’ve been asked reserve march 18 for a work dinner. It seems it’s not 100%, but could be a late day even if no dinner. So, probable I won’t make it. Unless you have others from the south, don’t worry about going south for my benefit this meeting. Meanwhile, my wife the PayPal master just got back...on the priority list to get the dues up to snuf. Now if only this new puppy that has me up at 2am can help me work on the falcon this weekend.

February 28th, 2020, 11:19 PM
Unless you have others from the south, don’t worry about going south for my benefit this meeting.

Don, I've been keeping my eye open for a more southern location, but even places like Denny's don't much exist anymore or maybe I'd go there. Sizzler has a meeting room, but with no idea how many folks will make it - not going to reserve a big room. Maybe I'll find someplace in time, but not very hopeful. Sorry we'll miss you.

Jeff W
March 8th, 2020, 11:03 AM
I am proposing we cancel the March meeting to see what happens with this Virus thing. We can discuss any hot topics on the forum. Jeff

March 9th, 2020, 10:15 AM
Yea, I just found out that the work meeting that was in the way of me going to the club meeting was cancelled due to corona virus...
but then I was like...although odds are a long shot that one of us has it or will get it, we should all be doing our part to minimize contact. We should probably stay home...especially anyone over 60 anyway. The forum is great for times like this.

March 9th, 2020, 11:33 PM
I am proposing we cancel the March meeting to see what happens with this Virus thing. We can discuss any hot topics on the forum. Jeff

Well... what is it they're saying a lot these days... "Out of an abundance of caution" I'm OK with this cancellation.

In general I'm not really modifying what I'm doing much - just being ultra conscious of maintaining distances, not shaking hands now (sorry Patrick, you were the last...), washing and then washing again, you know - being aware. I suspect if the the virus runs its course we may have normality by the time it is May and there is the swap meet. Whether we decide to go or not, or plan to whether it happens or not, is really the current issue. I've not received the notice yet, but it usually comes about now.