View Full Version : Meeting and Swap Meet coming May 16th and 19th

May 10th, 2018, 04:56 PM
Greetings All,

The week we've all been waiting for is here (right?) so please make an effort to come to our upcoming meeting, and/or the swap meet the following Saturday morning. It will help express your interest in the club and participation in this yearly event.

We will meet at our usual spot to discuss our plans:

University Village Burgermaster
3040 NE 45th St.
Seattle, WA 98105

Date: Weds., May 16th
Time: 7PM

Please come at least 15 minutes early, or earlier, especially if you want to grab a bite to eat before the meeting. This will allow us to start on-time.

Look for us inside the Burgermaster just to the upper right-side of the cashiers (in the raised dining area).

Please plan to come and confirm here, if possible!

As in prior years, if you have some smaller items to sell at the swap meet (car related, but not neccesarily Falcon-only), but can't make the swap meet, bring it/them to the meeting and we'll try to get them to the swap meet and sell them for you.


May 10th, 2018, 09:18 PM
I'm showing dates as the 16th and 19th. I'm possible for the 16th meeting if my wife can get my daughter from practice.

For the swap meet I'd love to come over but my daughter is scheduled for a soccer tournament in Yakima. But, I haven't seen a schedule on that yet.

May 10th, 2018, 09:34 PM
Oops! Brain dead lately. I will append. Hope to see you if it works out.

May 11th, 2018, 10:56 AM
I'll make the club meeting, but may not make the swap meet. We are playing all "fast and loose" as we've sold our home and not, as yet, found a replacement. :WHATTHE: Does that mean I may be joining all that "work" the exit ramps?

May 15th, 2018, 02:16 PM
Can someone bring the pop-up tent to the meeting tomorrow? Thanks.

May 16th, 2018, 08:49 PM
I’m glad I made it to the meeting , Gene hooked me up with the gas pedal to match my dimmer switch. Thanks again Gene ! It was nice to meet some new Falcon club members to.

May 18th, 2018, 10:15 PM
Got most of the stuff I was supposed to bring to the spot at the swap meet, but realized half-way there I forgot the wheels and Gene's box of goodies we stashed in the Ranchero Wednesday. So will get it there in the morning with Larry.

That said, I didn't anticipate having to rebuild the carburetor on my truck this evening after what has been a long day and what will be an early tomorrow. It started running really rough just as I left the grounds - and I nursed it and barely stumbled home. After pulling the top of the carb I saw it was totally polluted with crystal-like stuff. Some of it looked like moss. So off it came and it got a thorough cleaning. That's one thing I like about the 4100 Autolite carbs, they are easy to service. Thankfully it runs good again.

See those of you who make it tomorrow. And Larry at 6am! :WHATTHE:

Jeff W
May 19th, 2018, 11:29 PM
Thanks to Kenny, Ken, Carol, Larry and Roger to help work the booth. We even had a great mascot for most of the day. Weather was perfect and we connected with lots of Falcon fans.

May 20th, 2018, 07:45 PM
It was a good day and met lots of car people. Talked to a guy who bought a fender that he didn't even know what it was for. Just wanted it. You could see more rust holes through it than metal.
Must have had a hundred people ask what I wanted for my car. Roger finally came up with the answer. $100,000 and they left.
I left the area about an hour early and got in a line to go out the vendor exit. About 10 cars in front of me were stopped at the gate. A very obnoxious gentleman came by and cursed me out for trying to leave early and said the gate would not be opened until 5PM. That was about 4PM. I apologized and said I was sorry, didn't know I couldn't leave.
The older than I gentleman in the truck in front of me and his son didn't quite see it the same way I did. They cursed a lot more than the obnoxious dude and told him to open the gate or they would go do it for him. The guy hesitated a second to long and the huge son got out of the truck and started for the gate. About 20 seconds later the big dude opened the gate and we left. The obnoxious dude kinda sat back out of the way.
Again, it was a good day and saw millions of car parts that were older than me. Very old. Larry

May 20th, 2018, 08:32 PM
I always enjoy the day and am always happy when I finally make it home afterward, but it is the preparation for it that always makes me question why the heck I keep pushing us to do this. That said, or course, is only because I keep bringing so much stuff to sell! I appreciate the club being so accepting of me in this regard. I was blessed to have been able to sell some items taking up a lot of space, which I am in desperate need to gain, so for that I am thankful. Hauled an over full pickup there and nearly empty one back!

For me it was a high point when the buyers of my wagon came by and said hi. They are still happy-campers and that made me very happy too.

Larry's car was certainly the main attraction and may have been the reason so much sold. People were just so happy seeing it they wanted to buy something. [thumb]

By next year I should be in my new garage and have things far more organized. I'll also have forgotten how big a pain it is getting ready and will want to do it all over again, I'm sure.