View Full Version : WANTED: Ugly 64-65 Falcon because nice Falcon is vandalized

March 21st, 2018, 05:27 AM
I've posted before that for two years somebody has been slashing my Falcon tires, leaving dog poop on my car, smashing my headlights, and more. Tonight he smashed out both my driver's side window and passenger side window and smashed my windshield but it is still intact more or less.

This car was worth between $10,000 and $20,000 and I cannot bear to see it damaged anymore, so I want to buy an ugly beater Falcon and drive that one, so that whatever damage this criminal does to the car, it is not as tragic as it would be to my nicer Falcons.

If you have a beater Falcon with banged up body panels, rust, but that is driveable or even if it is not driveable let me know, I've rescued a few junkyard Falcons that were dead to the world.

This must be an ugly Falcon that no matter what he does, short of fire bombing the car, it won't matter much. I have filed many police reports, this is just not a priority for police. I have tried to catch this guy but no luck yet, but in the meantime, I want a Falcon that I can drive and not worry about.

Please contact me with any Falcon you have, four or two door, wagon or sedan, but I prefer 64 to 65 but will consider any Falcon. Thank you

March 21st, 2018, 11:23 AM
Have kinda followed this saga for a few years and have often thought you might want to try a motion activated camera. A "trail cam" suitable for watching animals might be useful. My son-in-law uses one to watch deer & coyotes in the trees behind his house. Works in the dark, too.

March 21st, 2018, 08:21 PM
Have kinda followed this saga for a few years and have often thought you might want to try a motion activated camera. A "trail cam" suitable for watching animals might be useful. My son-in-law uses one to watch deer & coyotes in the trees behind his house. Works in the dark, too.

Thank you for the suggestion. I have done a lot of research on many types of cameras, trail cameras included, and there are countless issues, not the least of which is money, but add to that after spending the money, the cam may not do what I need, I read that trigger times may prevent a good photo, the night vision may not be up to snuff, and a whole host of other issues I read about during reading reviews on cameras. Then there are my health issues...

I hate to say it but right now the best solution is just having an ugly junky Falcon that he cannot do much too. I have explained to the police that after two and a half years of tire slashings, dog crap on the car, tire deflations, garbage on the car, rocks on the car, tree branches on the car, road signs on the car, attempts to enter the car, and smashing the windshield and passenger and driver windows, I truly believe the next step for the psychopath is a firebomb.

The police say there is nothing they can do.

So a beater Falcon is in my future, with plexiglass windows and cheap used tires.

For the record, yes, I do intend to get some kind of cameras, and such, but I've had financial, health, and time challenges, my health was so bad a couple months back that I was essentially crippled with the ability to go nowhere and do nothing, but I'm getting better.

Anyway, if anybody sees a beater Falcon 64 to 65 and maybe other years, even if it's not running, please contact me. Thank you all :-)