View Full Version : Pinetop Arizona Ride to the Pines

September 24th, 2017, 05:39 PM
Here are a few pics from the Ride to the Pines parade of 15 miles from Show Low to Pine Top Arizona on Friday and the Car show Saturday and Sunday. There were 575 cars and it was the best car show we've attended. The first pics are us getting ready for the parade. The next ones are of my brothers 64 Fairlane and my car. Then we won the trophy and $100 for gas for coming the farthest distance of 1470 miles.

September 25th, 2017, 07:12 AM
Congrats!! Looks like a fun time.

September 25th, 2017, 03:37 PM
Yaaaaaay, Larry!

Hats off to Larry, by Del Shannon

September 25th, 2017, 05:50 PM
Let me add my kudos![AGREE]

BillP 98201
September 26th, 2017, 12:01 PM
Very nice! Congratulations!

September 26th, 2017, 01:48 PM
Looks like a nice show from here too! Congrats on the big award!

September 26th, 2017, 10:13 PM
Thanks everyone. This was a wonderful show, live music, great food, lots and lots of cars. As with every car show their are political issues that seem to get in the way.
In this specific show, they had two car clubs that attended with numerous cars from each club. One from Albuquerque New Mexico and another from Gilbert Arizona. There were 24 different classifications and these clubs put one car in each of the classes and then they all voted for only their club cars.
The car that won 1st place in my class was a 61 Chevy that was a wreck, never opened the hood, rusted wheels, broken passenger glass. 2nd place was a 65 Mustang which was even worse.
As we all know, there will always be issues, but we have no control of those and regardless of the politics, this car show was great.
There really is not an equitable way to assure that prejudices don't get involved in car voting. There was some complaints from the car owners and my brother took me around to most of the classes and pointed out all the winners linked to their home towns and car clubs.
With that many cars, it is hard to have a voting method other than car participants, sooooo. It is what it is. Larry

September 26th, 2017, 10:22 PM
In other words...all those politics...and you won a nice trophy anyway!
Nice job Larry.

September 27th, 2017, 10:15 AM
My guess is that even politics can't change the distance you travel. But don't quote me on that.

September 27th, 2017, 10:18 AM
In this specific show, they had two car clubs that attended with numerous cars from each club. One from Albuquerque New Mexico and another from Gilbert Arizona. There were 24 different classifications and these clubs put one car in each of the classes and then they all voted for only their club cars.
The car that won 1st place in my class was a 61 Chevy that was a wreck, never opened the hood, rusted wheels, broken passenger glass. 2nd place was a 65 Mustang which was even worse.

So "that" I would consider voter fraud.

October 11th, 2017, 09:27 AM
Having a good time in Tucson. Went to the "Little Anthony's Diner" car show on Saturday. My little yellow badbird won best of show. Only about 150 cars but it was fun and the food at the diner is really great. Been wanting to take my car to this show for many years.
We have another show in Sierra Vista this Saturday which is a large show. Another one the next weekend in Tucson which is the biggest show of the year down here.
I didn't take pictures of the diner show, they said they would post their pics of all the cars and winners on their website. Still waiting for that to happen. See you all in November. Larry

Jeff W
October 11th, 2017, 08:50 PM
Congrats on the award. Sounds like you guys are enjoying retirement. The rains have just started up here so don't hurry back.

October 12th, 2017, 03:11 AM
Nice. You are living the “car guy” life for sure. Congrats!
Walked the dog after work yesterday (in Canada) and felt like I should’ve brought my gloves!

October 12th, 2017, 09:58 PM
Glad you're having a good time, Larry. And add my congratulations to the list. Your car well deserves a few awards. About our weather here.... experienced snow at the summit (Snoqualmie Pass) on my most recent trip to the east side this week. :WHATTHE:

October 17th, 2017, 09:12 PM
They finally posted the pictures from the Little Anthony's Diner car show on 10/7. Hope you can scroll through the pictures. My car took best of show and there are pics of Carol and I getting the plaque. Several pics of my Falcon and my brothers Fairlane.
We went to the Sierra Vista Arizona car show last Saturday. I didn't win anything, but Jerry won Best Engine.
Unbelievable shows, pretty darn warm, 96 degrees today. One more show this Saturday and hoping to drag race Sunday. More to come. Larry


October 24th, 2017, 11:21 AM
Nice show and lot's of nice cars. You're gonna have to build another room on the house for all these awards!

November 1st, 2017, 03:27 PM
Well, Carol and I got back home to Washington Monday evening. Only spent 4 hours in the worlds largest parking lot on I-5. Took longer to go from south 188th to our house in Mill Creek than it did from Portland to 188th. Did not get above 30 miles an hour in that distance.
Still had shorts on until yesterday, when I gave up and switched to jeans. Only wore jeans one day in Arizona and that was to drag race where they required long pants.
Hard to leave the sun, but nice to be back home.
While there, I had an extra rear trim piece that I was going to have Royal Plating chrome for me. They recommended polishing it instead so it wouldn't look too weird next to the tail light housings. They did a beautiful job and now I need to either paint the black areas or use tape. Then they recommended clear coating the part. I will post pictures when done or installed.
What I really miss is you can go to car shows every single weekend. Usually more than one show each weekend, drag racing every weekend. Both in Tucson and Phoenix. It is definitely a car lovers location.
Hope we can get a group of us to the drag strip together this year and to more car shows and cruises. Larry

November 3rd, 2017, 12:33 PM
Sounds like you had fun - until you got home. :WHATTHE:

What's more telling is that due to the short outdoor season we find ourselves with to-do lists and before you realize it the car-show season is over and you realized you did only one show. Heck, I think I drove my Ranchero all of twice this year. And not much with Frederica either

I agree that I hope we can get together more as a group in the coming year, but if the weather isn't too bad we could shoot for the XXX Christmas Cruise and still get a show in this year. We'll see how that goes.