View Full Version : Maltby Car Show 2016

June 6th, 2016, 12:29 PM
The Church at Maltby is having their 10th annual Hot Rods and Hogs show on Saturday, June 18, 2016. It's FREE.


June 6th, 2016, 12:32 PM
I can't open that link at work, sadly. Separation of Church and work it seems. Perhaps you can excerpt some internal details on this page too?

June 6th, 2016, 02:59 PM
Here's a link to the registration form?


June 17th, 2016, 11:41 PM
This is a pooper. I am not going to make it to Maltby and it's my favorite show. I have a leak in the brake line at the line lock and can not get it fixed in time. Have fun all you that make it. Larry

June 20th, 2016, 09:31 AM
I seriously doubt this was a well attended show. Maybe some hard-core attendees came. Always feel bad for events like this.

I didn't make it. I woke up on Saturday to rain, rain, rain. And except for a light let-up around noon (when I went to Gene's place), it resumed with a vengeance about 3-o'clock.

Hoping next weekend is better for the mini.

June 20th, 2016, 11:27 AM
I went... and got rained on.
Had a great time anyway!
There were maybe 100 cars (in a show that usually draws over 300).
As usual: free coffee and pastries, as well as a proper latte stand, and pulled pork sandwiches or hot dogs for lunch. Jim Green brought his OHC dragster and fired it up a couple of times. Stayed under an umbrella or a friend's pop-up most of the time. Got a personal audience with Lance Lambert....

June 20th, 2016, 01:10 PM
Very cool... Hopefully no Falcon issues. Did you advertise "for sale" while there? That was sort-of my plan had I gone.

June 20th, 2016, 03:19 PM
Yeah... I have For Sale signs permanently taped on the inside of the rear quarter widows. My conversation with Lance was with regard to appraisals.

She seems to be really sensitive to spark plugs. The plugs Randy Long put in when he rebuilt the engine were NGK exact equivalents to the Autolite racing plugs that were in the head when the engine failed. I've been experimenting... but it seems that any variation from those NGK's has caused me a problem. Last week I put in some Platinum-tip non-racing Autolites that were one step hotter than the NGK's. It back-fired at the show when I started up to come home. Then, yesterday, I had a hard time getting it started at all! I put the NGK's back in, and she fired right up!

I'm dangerously close to calling up KCTS and telling them to come get it....:mad:

June 21st, 2016, 08:18 AM
Curious... are these heads requiring long-reach plugs?

If you get the best results with a particular plug, stay with them. It likes what it likes. Though I think it odd to be that persnickety, I've always held NGK plugs in high regard. Maybe post a pick of each plug side-by-side. May be something obvious.

KCTS as in PBS Channel 9?

June 21st, 2016, 11:52 AM
I'm dangerously close to calling up KCTS and telling them to come get it....:mad:

Sorry... the joke is probably a little obscure:

"Support Public Television by donating your car...!"

I don't know if they are long-reach plugs, but they're pretty unusual. They are "peanut plugs", in that they're installed with a 5/8" socket.
Classic Inlines published recommended plugs for their aluminum head, Autolite Racing, cold-to-hot, AR3931, AR3932, AR3933, AR3934 and AR3935. Back when we originally built the engine, they also included non-racing-plugs, essentially the same numbers without the "R". I was only ever able to find the racing plugs, and I ended up using AR3932. Now the non-racing plugs recommended on their web site are AP3922, AP3924 and AP3926. These are platinum-tip plugs with equivalent heat range of the AR3932, AR3933 and AR3934 respectively. The ones I tried using were the AP3924. The NGK's I have are the exact equivalent of the AR3932, so I didn't think changing to the one-step-hotter AP3934 platinum-tip plugs would be any big deal... But, as you say, the engine likes what it likes, and it obviously doesn't like those Autolites!

The NGK's are back in, and I fired her up and drove her around the block last night. She fired and ran perfectly. I will NOT be experimenting with spark plugs again!

June 22nd, 2016, 09:11 AM
Did a little looking into this last night, but have no clue. Generally you'd only see problems like this if plugs were bad or too hot or cold, but even that has more to do with a longer term condition, not right here and now with fresh plugs. Meaning too rich/lean conditions, oil burning, etc. That usually occurs with driving, not just starting.

I recall you read the plugs before, but have you since it has been "fixed?"

Seems the only difference with the racing plugs is a more exposed center electrode. Don't know what the NGK number is, so couldn't look at how its electrode was configured.

Also, you have Pertronix and street coil, correct? I don't recall after the Pertronix tape-unwrap deal if you stayed with it.

K-A-R-S - Cars for kids. That tune I recognize all too well... :rolleyes:

June 22nd, 2016, 11:37 AM
When I was suspecting a problem with spark plug heat range, I dug out one of my old Auto Tech text books and looked up the characteristics of plugs that were too hot. It said "pre-ignition" could be caused by too-hot plugs. I think that is what was happening. As I said, it would backfire when I tried starting it, and, once running, it would "hesitate" occasionally while in light cruise. Once, as I was pulling into a gas station, it just quit. It was like it fired prematurely and stopped the piston near the top of its compression stoke! That was when I was trying some AR3935 plugs (HOT) that I had in my tool box. After that, I put the NGK's back in (R5671A-10... I think), and it started and ran much better. I later tried the AP3924's and the engine acted very much as it did when I had the AR3935's in it.

I gave up on the Pertronix a long time ago. It's got MSD Streetfire capacitive discharge ignition with a later model Ford electronic distributor.