View Full Version : Happy Veteran's Day!

November 11th, 2015, 06:28 AM
Happy Veteran's Day, everybody!

USS California CGN-36 - Nuclear powered guided missile cruiser. Around the world in '81!


USS Guam LPH-9 - Helicopter-borne amphibious assault ship. Remember the Marines, Sailors, and Soldiers lost in Beirut, 1983.


November 12th, 2015, 07:04 AM
Is that why I didn't get any mail yesterday?


In all seriousness I do appreciate those who serve our country. Thank you! I was in that window of age where the was no mandatory requirements to go into harms way for the protection of our country - and as such didn't serve in any military. But thank you to any that entered on your own. We owe you more than we give.


November 12th, 2015, 08:58 PM
Ditto from me. Granddad was a West Pointer and spent 30 years in the Army before he bought the falcon as his retirement economy car. For a while, back when I drove my Grandparents around in high school because they couldn't drive any more he was the oldest living West Point graduate. My Dad and Uncle also had 20 year careers. I never did go in, but I really do appreciate all that others before me have done and also appreciate everyone that serves today. [BOW]