View Full Version : Meeting Wednesday Sept. 16

September 3rd, 2015, 04:14 PM
Our meeting is coming up in just 2 weeks. I'm posting this notice a bit sooner than normal to give you enough time to clear your schedules and make this meeting. It will be an important meeting for all current and future members to attend as we move forward into a new year.

The key subject we have on our agenda this meeting is the election of officers. We’re only about 7 years late in doing this and technically we’re supposed to do it yearly to give everyone a chance to be active participants. It is important to keep ideas fresh and minimize burn-out for those currently holding positions. Please consider what the Falcon Club means to you and how you can step into a role and bring fresh perspective. I, for one, will not be seeking reelection this year, but still plan to be very involved as always. Others may want to continue another year if nominated and reelected.

Please give this some serious thought to this and come to the meeting with a vision to move the club forward and become an active part of that. I for one would like to see more local club events; like, tech days, cruises, meets at local parks – something that has been lacking the past two years with our focus being on the mini-regionals.

Thanks for your consideration!

The meeting will be held at our usual spot:

University Village Burgermaster
3040 NE 45th St.
Seattle, WA 98105

Date: Weds., September 16th
Time: 7PM

Please come at least 15-30 minutes before the meeting if you plan to eat so we can start on-time. As usual, look for us just to right-side of the cashiers (in the raised dining area).

Main topics this meeting:
Elections of officers

Thank you!

September 19th, 2015, 11:10 AM
HI Guys, How did the meeting go?
Sorry I missed it. I've been flying all over the place more than usual.
Looking forward to an update if someone has a chance to get one out.

Jeff W
September 20th, 2015, 05:17 PM
Very small meeting, only six peeps. We discussed the upcoming election... details are here:


Since Roger will not be seeking reelection, the President position will need some/a candidate(s). Nobody attending last weeks meeting showed interest in filling that role. Let's hope someone reading this will step up.

September 21st, 2015, 11:35 AM
Sorry I wasn't there. I had a road-trip for work which kept me away.

I'll probably post more about this at some point (my personal reasoning for stepping down), but regardless of this reason it is more due to wanting fresh ideas and increased involvement from other members. Though I jested on the other thread about the job description, the job isn't that hard to do, and I could easily maintain it, but simply feel it is time to let someone else do it for a while.

Please consider being a greater part of the club.
