View Full Version : July 15th Meeting

July 14th, 2015, 12:38 PM
My apologies for yet another (very) late meeting notice. Our scheduled bi-monthly meeting is a coming up tomorrow evening - July 15th.

We are less than two weeks away from the mini-regional at Griot's Garage in Tacoma, WA, which is on Sunday July 26th. We hope to see you at the meeting so we can finalize any last-minute details. We welcome your input and offers to help where needed. If you are unable to attend the meeting, but are responsible for duties that day, please post any updates or notices you may have regarding these on the Rainier Falcons Mini Regional forum link.

If you have items to raffle off at the mini, you can bring those to meeting or directly to the mini if you are attending. All contributions to this event will be appreciated. We have Falcons coming from as far south as California, north into Canada, and east into Idaho. None coming out of the Pacific Ocean yet, but I'm sure Falcons will come from west of Tacoma. It should be a great day!

The meeting will be held at our usual spot:

University Village Burgermaster
3040 NE 45th St.
Seattle, WA 98105

Date: Weds., July 15th
Time: 7PM

Please come at least 15 minutes early. or earlier, especially if you want to grab a burger. This so we can start on-time.

As usual, look for us inside the Burgermaster in the raised dining area just to the right-hand side of the cashiers.

Please plan to stop by if you can.

Main topics this meeting:
- Regional Mini planning updates

Thank you!