View Full Version : 2015 Mini Regional

November 20th, 2014, 08:39 AM

As discussed during last night in the Nov 19, 2014 meeting we're going to get an early start on the preparations for the 2015 Mini Regional. We're obligated to manage it again this year since the Columbia Chapter did it two years in a row.

As you all know this event was an overwhelming success, and we're all hoping to do equally well, or better, next year - with your help and a little extra time.

We've decided to do the show again at Griot's and Kenny will find out what dates we have available to us. And we're thinking to do it earlier, like late July, to make sure the kids are all out of school and can make it (assuming you have any of those). Griot's has a great setup for BBQ's and picnic atmosphere - something we can make better use of next year.

If you managed a position last year, let us know whether you are willing and able to repeat the same duties this year - or if you'd like some help.

Looking forward to hearing from you!

November 20th, 2014, 10:59 AM
I'll be glad to manage the registration table again, and possibly more.

Jeff W
November 20th, 2014, 12:20 PM
I will do what I can depending on date. The flip side of having it when school is out - that is when we go on road trips and family vacations without pulling the kids out of school. Last year we were traveling cross-country for three weeks!

November 20th, 2014, 02:02 PM
Tacoma is a road trip...


November 24th, 2014, 09:55 AM
Not sure how I can help, but I'd love to be able to make it next year

November 24th, 2014, 05:32 PM
It is so hard to lock in a date when we travel as much as we do, but we will help. My health issues have improved much over the last couple of months, so that shouldn't hold me down. Larry & Carol

January 7th, 2015, 05:49 PM
Just a heads up time is already running out. Has anyone got a hold of Griots to get a date yet?? Time to get this thing going.
We need a date without that nothing els can move forward. I am super swamped at work but I will do what I can but i know without a date the vendors will NOT donate.

January 7th, 2015, 07:54 PM
Like last time, I'm not getting an email response from Griot's but I will try again. But when I looked at the calendar several weeks ago it looked pretty bleak for anything before schools start up. I think those were probably snatched up last year.

So, unless someone see's a date that I'm not seeing, it looks like September again. But if we decide it needs to be while school is out for summer break, we will need to change venues.


January 7th, 2015, 09:40 PM
3 days in July it seems if we avoid the 4/5th - 11th, 19th, 26th -
then August 29th.

January 7th, 2015, 11:44 PM
OK...I could have sworn July was full. :confused: If I don't hear from Guy in a couple of days I'll try calling. I would much rather do a Sunday show so that leaves 7/19 and 26th.

Any preference? Or does anyone think Saturday is better?

January 8th, 2015, 10:29 AM
Just got an email from Griot's and these are the days they still have available:

July 5 (probably not a good weekend)

July 11 (a Saturday)

July 26 (a Sunday)

I would prefer July 26th so everyone has Saturday to get ready. Let me know ASAP if that date works (or doesn't) for anyone by the end of the day and I will write back to reserve the date.

January 8th, 2015, 10:35 AM
My preference at this point: July 26th.

January 8th, 2015, 10:49 AM
It's not going to fit every need - I'm sure - but it is a good date and we don't want to to start the whole "new venue" search. I second the motion on that. Reserve it.

January 8th, 2015, 10:50 AM
July 26th that is....

January 8th, 2015, 11:38 AM
Done...as soon as I hear back I will confirm.

January 8th, 2015, 07:18 PM
Works great for me..

Which car should i bring over?
Unfinished sprint or unfinished station wagon?

Both is not an option..

Anyone have a couch i can crash on? Lol..

January 8th, 2015, 10:52 PM
Pull one with your F100! :shift:

January 9th, 2015, 11:06 PM
I think I will be able to make that one, been looking forward to meeting other Falconauts

don b
January 10th, 2015, 03:40 PM
Kathy and I would be glad to run the raffle and organize the items. (that is of course as long as everyone gathers donations with all the effort of last year). July 26th works for us.

January 10th, 2015, 04:55 PM
I was worried that the meet would conflict with Hot August Nights, but looks like the 26th will work great. Looking forward to a fun drive down there again. Hope we get even more cars this year. Larry

don b
January 22nd, 2015, 11:50 AM
Mini- Regional July 26 @ 8:30 gates open for club. Confirmed.

January 22nd, 2015, 01:44 PM
Thank you very much Don for doing this legwork.

So now we can move forward and contact sponsors and vendors to get our goody bags and raffle products for a certain event. Steve, are you still game for making a few calls?

As discussed in the Jan 21 meeting we will be purchasing Costco dogs/polish, chips, and soda to offer up for sale at a value to recoup the cost. This will hopefully allow people more time to look at the cars that are there instead of heading out to find food. Larry and Carol (Badbird) have volunteered to get this and we'll arrange to transport.

We discussed making, perhaps, a poster this year instead of a calendar. We can fill it with images and other Falcon memorabilia. So hopefully Joanna will hurry up and get married so we can use her talents for this. ;)

Everyone should search their stashes of parts and other automobilia for raffle items.

I will contact the national club to get this into the newsletter. Having a new graphic for this would be nice. I'm not sure we want to recycle the artwork from last year or not.

We can now post something on the home page, but the issue of the artwork may again prevent this.

We are going to be at the swap meet again this year too, so having a flyer for this needs to be done.

There may be things I'm missing , so if you have anything to add - please do so.

January 22nd, 2015, 02:01 PM
I'll start making my list. I'll need the current flyer and maybe some kind of photo from last year as well. It's good to show what happened on our first attempt. Also most vendors want some sort of "proof" that you are actually doing a show. Too many people trying to get freebies under false pretenses.
The sooner I get this stuff the sooner the calls can begin, and the sooner the calls begin the better the chances of sponsors. I know I can't count on the same ones from last year and with a little ammunition from last years turnout I think we'll be able to up the game for this year.
Also huge would be the national news letter ASAP. Maybe we can drag in some more out of staters and out of countriers.
Cool let stay on top of this and really blow them out this year! We need to top 75-80 from last year. 100-150????? :WHATTHE:

don b
January 22nd, 2015, 04:02 PM
Steve, there is a photo album on Facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.694627403986836&type=1
That can help with the vendors to proof that we have a show.

January 22nd, 2015, 04:17 PM
Perfect I didn't realize that was there and I even posted to it. Cool I can link that with the flyer and emails I send. Thank you.

January 22nd, 2015, 09:44 PM
Fantastic news Don. Great job and glad you live down that way to help with all this leg work. Really appreciate everything you are doing. Hallelujah, the 26th works great for Carol and I.
We will check on the costs of the hot dogs, buns, and colas and let everyone know the total.

February 1st, 2015, 09:53 AM
Now that we have the date pinned down I approached Joanna about doing the design work for post cards, web banner, dash plaques, etc. to promote the Mini-Regional. She's getting married in a few months and, as I suspected, doesn't have the free time to do the work.

Last years package looked very professional and I think that contributed to the great turnout we had. All these items just appeared to us but they do take a good chunk of time to come up with the design, gather all of the digital files, create the document, set type and arrange, proof it, etc. I do not have the time either although I am more than happy to do the legwork on ordering the dash plaques, getting the printing done, doing the mailing, or anything else for promotion.

Anybody know of someone who does graphic design for a living? Or maybe just has a knack for it?

February 5th, 2015, 01:12 PM
I opted to give this a go and received all the files from Joanna for last year's documents. It's been a challenge to work with them, but I've done the web banner so far. I think it's OK to use, but need to see what everyone thinks. Of course, Joanna used her car - I used one of mine.


don b
February 5th, 2015, 01:44 PM
Hey that banner looks good:BEER:

February 5th, 2015, 02:13 PM
I think it's great! [thumb]

February 5th, 2015, 08:42 PM
Looks good! Maybe Pat can get it posted to the home page and link to the page with detailed information like last year. You would have to edit the text. And replace the photos with a few from last year's show if you can grab some off the 2014 thread.

The only thing I would add is maybe to change the color scheme? Just to differentiate the two shows a bit. Unless that's a big PITA.

BillP 98201
February 5th, 2015, 11:10 PM
Very nice Roger! Good job!

February 6th, 2015, 08:43 PM
To be clear - 90% of this was Joanna's design.

Kenny - I did swap colors and concluded she had already chosen the best-est color. So - let's just run with it. I'll probably send it off to the national newsletter too.

February 6th, 2015, 11:03 PM
I understand. Thanks for dealing with this. Like I said, I'm glad to do the legwork on the printing, ordering, mailing, etc. once the files are ready.

Last year we got the dash plaque's donated but will have to buy them somewhere this time. There are many companies who do these so I'll shop around.

One big expense was the postcards we mailed to people in the FCA National membership directory for Washington, Oregon, Idaho and a few clubs in California. We should decide if it's worth the money. Jeff may have that breakdown on postage and printing.

Also, I put a "Save the Date" announcement on the club's Facebook page. I'll post there occasionally to hype it up.

Anyone want to volunteer to scour the Internet and see if there are car show calendars we can still get listed on?

February 7th, 2015, 01:52 PM
I'll get the banner posted very soon.

don b
February 8th, 2015, 04:07 PM
Kenny is right about things costing us more this year. With us losing on the event last year we really need to add an entry fee (even $10-$15) and maybe doing some plaques or trophies to make the event seem worth the entry? If we decide to do this, the fee amount and awards need to be included on the posters and fliers. We need prompt feed back on this.

February 8th, 2015, 04:57 PM
IMHO, I would rather not see us add a fee. I do like the idea of trophies added to the event since I think that will draw more entries.

We knew it would cost some to have this show and if we charge a little for the hot dogs, chips and drinks it can help a bit. (beer kegs are probably out?? just kidding.) It would be my hope that we can get different sponsors to pay for the trophies.

I agree that this would need to be decided ASAP and if we all concur I would work on getting the trophies or at least be the focal.

don b
February 8th, 2015, 06:23 PM
I'm concerned that losing money each year is not going to get the club to it's goal of a national event and that the club is really a micro-business which should only be in the red maybe only the first year or two. I believe we lost about $150 last year and the dash plaques were donated. This year the dash plaques could about cost $1 each times 100. Hot Dogs is an unknown income and a small entry fee of even $5 could put the club on the plus side and maybe profit on the food and Raffle. I am trying to think in a business sense.
I think it's great that you offered to head up the awards and food.
Free events would be great as long as the club would not keep losing money.
Please keep in touch.:shift:

PS Larry your PM folder is fill.

February 8th, 2015, 06:27 PM
For what it's worth I just visited several falcon sites hosting regionals or minis or whatever and every one of them charges an entry fee. They range from $15-45. I do think there must be some incentive if we are to charge a gate fee.
That being said I think we would have a better turn out with no charge gate fee.
I thought the end result from last year was not bad?? How far in the hole did we go? If we had a few more people helping out we could do much better. I like the idea of vendor sponsered trophies. Hell I'll do at least one from my shop!!
I'm sure Griots would do one. Maybe I can include that when I start contacting the big vendors from last year?
Anybody up for a mini planning meeting/tech day/meet an greet? Maybe on a Saturday to make it easier for me to make it over.
Ok enough thinking for now let's here your thoughts and ideas time to get rolling. :D

February 8th, 2015, 08:46 PM
I like the free show angle. On the other hand, a $5 or $10 fee at a show never bothers me as I realize it takes money to put it on. Some people are put off by it. But, I really doubt we would lose any participants because of a small fee.

As long as someone is willing to put in the legwork for the trophies I think they would be OK. But they can't impact the budget unless we vote on it. I'm not sure that we actually have a budget for this year's show but there was one last year and there was nothing for awards other than a "Longest Miles Driven" cash award.

Having said all of that, Monte Brachmann said they've always intended to keep the show free and not give awards. He's with the Columbia River club, who hosted the first two shows. When it goes back to them next year the tradition may not continue.

February 8th, 2015, 10:15 PM
If the fee is just for those entering with their cars, it's hard to imagine very many that would mind $5 or $10. However, just in case someone either a) actually doesn't have or want to let loose of the money, or b) simply objects on principle (since their car will be part of the attraction), why not just make it a "suggested entry donation" ? That way, for everyone that doesn't pay, you might get someone here and there to kick in $20 instead of $10.

Jeff W
February 8th, 2015, 10:34 PM
Here is a high level wrap from last years expenses...

2014 Mini-Regional


Insurance $100.00
Calendars $253.63
Raffle supplies $30.65
Printing - Flyers $10.94
Printing and mount - Posters $55.40
Printing - Post Cards $27.86
Postage $83.55

Total Costs $562.03


Raffle $376.00

Total Income $376.00

Final: -$186.03

Additional items not in above calculation:

We did sell $71 worth of the License Plates - Probably about $45 - $50 profit. I don't know how many were sold, and as club members receive a discount, that level of detail requires algebra with three variables.

Kenny was able to assemble and sell a few extra calendars: $57.18

If you want to include that activity - we are only down about -$80...

The Long Distance Cash Award was covered by our Columbia River Comet and Falcon Brothers :BEER:


Nice job on the artwork Roger. Thank you for taking that on.

My opinion is that we should keep it a no charge gathering. We each pay dues to keep the club going so it is more like a non-profit with a subsidy by the active members.

If it gets to heavy, it stops being fun and more like a job. I already have one of those.

February 9th, 2015, 12:45 AM
At the show I attend at the Maltby church they must give away 50 trophies. They are all donated by business sponsors and it must take a whole lot of time to get those each year. That said, we don't have to give out a large quantity of trophies.

If we gave out one to the best 1960, 61, etc and then a few more to best paint, chrome, engine etc. we could get by with 15 at the most. I will start right now to get those if the officers want to give the go ahead. It is up to them, and I will accept any decision they make.

If the Southern Falcon brothers don't want to keep it going I would understand.

February 9th, 2015, 09:08 AM
This show is a club sponsored, but not a national sponsored event. We need to keep this in mind. The goal of this show is to prepare ourselves for the national response - be it a regional or national meet. If we can't work though an unofficial meet, how can we take on an official meet? But also keep in mind that we would, in that case, receive national monies to hold an event and entry fees and judging apply. We are on our own here to finance the show and make or loose money at our own risk.

But primarily, it shouldn't be a burden to do - to anyone. Many of us, I know, paid [an entry fee] to make this show come to pass... in the red. Meaning some of us spent money out of their own pockets to supply raffle items, for instance, or hours of their own time, to make this show a possibility. I'm sure the $50 'long-distance award' from the Columbia group came from their club funds - just as the Rainier club has sponsored awards at regional shows elsewhere.

So in that sense I feel we need to maintain the KISS method to this show. If you don't know what that means, Google it. When we get into trophies and judging the show looses a lot of its focus for some of us, which allows people to come and hang-out and enjoy the day looking at Falcons and meeting their owners. I know, for myself, the show day was a blur. It was over and I realized I never got to really look at the cars or talk to anyone.

Though it is true we don't want to go into the red you can't really charge much without making it worth the charge. Few organized shows are free. Those that are free see it as a marketing event, which this is for us. I'm sure Churches hosting car shows see it as an evangelical outreach to justify the free entry. Which this is for us as well. I think our goal, and that of the Columbia chapter, was to show the region that there is a local and national Falcon membership and presence. And to get them involved. And hopefully get enough new members active in the process so when it comes time to hold a big event the weight of it isn't being shouldered by 4 or 5 people, which is too often the case.

We did really well last year. Surprised most of us, I think. I feel if we try to expand on it we'll loose that. My vote is to keep it free, keep it simple, offer a long-distance award (which maybe should always be maintained by the club not running the show), and offer raffles supplied by members and sponsors to add something you can take away from the show. Any profit or loss should be absorbed in the interest of drawing more members, which in the end puts us into the black, and increases our active membership.

February 9th, 2015, 11:43 AM
My vote would be to keep it as we did last year: no entry fee. I like the idea that was discussed at the last meeting: to supply eats and charge enough for them to recoup their cost and a bit more. I don't feel the need for trophies, either. Let's just keep it as "a gathering of Falcon owners".

February 9th, 2015, 11:56 AM
Well put Roger. I agree with all that. I myself could care less about a trophy or award. I built me car to have fun with and meet other Falcon and comet people. Awards are for good guys car shows. Ours is a friendly meet and greet.
I'm like you Roger I think I had $500 invested at least in the show and I don't mind I can afford it and it helps the club that what it is all about.
So when is the first planning meeting?? My car will be back on the road the 23rd of this month!!:banana:

February 9th, 2015, 12:23 PM
I like trophies and awards as much as the next guy. Sort of a pat on the back to make good on the sweat, blood, and tears I put into these cars. It's an often thankless job and when you know what you worked on gets an award - it's a boost!


But that's not the goal of this show as I understand it. As Steve is painfully aware, there is a difficulty getting us all in one place and make face time. This is that opportunity, if even once a year. So let's not make it something it's not by simply keeping it what it has been.

But that said, this is a club and my opinion is mine and may not be yours. It has to be seconded and voted upon the same as any change would. We can here on the site, so I will create a Poll to do that. I'll post the link to it soon.

I'm open for a show-specific meeting in the near future, but it will need to be attended by all members participating, so we'll need to work that out in regard to the when and where.

February 9th, 2015, 12:38 PM
Vote here:


Results of the poll are binding as though voted on at a meeting.

! If you are a non-member of the club, please refrain from voting. You can express your opinion here in this thread if you wish.

February 9th, 2015, 01:50 PM
Well put again Roger. My first time to a Falcon show last year (tiny chance my car will make it this year)...but I did really appreciate the casual nature of this one and the opportunity to see as many Falcons as possible and talk to as many falcon owners as possible. KISS did us well. As for the money, I'm happy to chip in some extra to help out the show if we need it.

February 9th, 2015, 07:01 PM
Skip the calenders
Post cards and mailing
And we can keep the show free.

Other option would be to sell the calendars so costs are recouped.

February 11th, 2015, 03:46 PM
Just a little input from someone that has put on a car show for the last 16 years. Our show is the weekend before Memorial day so the weather is always iffy on the Oregon coast turn out is 75 to 100 cars, open to all makes.

One of the first things needed for a good turn out is to get the word out there to the public, since this is a Falcon/Comet event only makes it a little harder to get big numbers and if you get the big numbers do you have enough space to put them, a good place to get the word out is Cruzin magazine and to advertise in what we call the car show bible The Northwest Car Events Calendar but this has to be done in October of previous show year.

As for a fee, we do charge a fee of $10.00 but money after covering cost goes to Special Olympics so there is no actual profit, we do give trophys but that has always been a sore subject and does cost a good chunk of money to do, we are fortunate enough to have had sponsors for them but not always. ( I actually dont care about trophys they just collect dust) and besides we are all winners because we have put the effort into making it to the show and there is always someone that feels they didnt get what they deserved. A thought is just to give ribbons just for attending. We have always done dash plaques because a lot of people like to have them, I believe we pay $75.00 for 100.

Goody bags are always fun but getting the stuff to put in them isnt so that has gone down hill. We have always gave a bottle of water, a stick of locally made pepperoni, a voting ballot and pen some candy and what ever else we can come up with, this is where and entry fee comes in handy also helps in buying raffle items of course we always have the 50/50 raffle which most of the time would cover the cost of a big part of the expenditures.

We have never done an event calendar but have done one for car club members. It can always be done with just some pics of the cars for people that would like their car in it at home and not cost anything except money for paper and ink.

We do send out letters with registration form in it and for early registration there is a discount and a raffle ticket but I believe that the postage is more than the return and sometimes people say they are coming and dont show so their money is forfeited, which I done feel good about but have never had a complaint. So in my books this is really not a good thing to do.

We always have vendors that want to attend and sell their goods but we are not allowed to sell food because our event is at a place that sells food, but there are other vendors like photographers that we charge admission fee for and if they have good sales they donate some.

I hope I am not speaking out of place here but just wanted to give some insight from someone that has been there and done that. Bottom line is you are not going to make everybody happy. Its your club so the vote is the democratic way to do it.

If you have any questions for me please feel free to ask. I am looking forward to being there

February 11th, 2015, 04:08 PM
Appreciate the input. Because this is a car-specific show, which started as an opportunity for the two Northwest chapters to meet and great and invite new people who might be interested in the clubs, this is the main reason I'm personally opposed to a fee. If it were a come one/come all event, then yes, that would be different.

We're having it at a location that is costing us nothing, it has the space for well over 100 cars, it has the means to allow us a cook-out and raffle space, we detract from it by making it overly a complex show. Especially when next year the Columbia chapter will host it again and probably continue as they've done the previous two years they hosted it.

Anyway, having also been in a club where we debated and :bicker: over what to charge, where to have it, whether or not to do t-shirts and dash-plaques... and did so every year... I'm not wanting to spend that time. Simply don't have it to spend.


February 11th, 2015, 10:57 PM
[agree] k.i.s.s.

don b
February 23rd, 2015, 10:45 AM
OK, I started a lot of good discussion. The vote is in No Fee meet. Now lets move on. How are we doing on collecting for the raffle prizes, goodie bag items and hot dog meals? And getting to the event calendars, fliers and posters?
We got to keep moving forward to do the meet right and up the anti for Columbia group to try and beat next year.
I am looking forward to the meeting next month.:shift:

February 23rd, 2015, 10:58 AM
Agreed. I was on a short workation last week and spent little time on much of anything but the tasks as they were delivered to me to do. Suffice it to say I had very little time to do otherwise. Oddly, I'm back at work now and can think about this some more. :rolleyes:

I did look some at the other files Joanna did from last year, and there is much not translating from the Mac world she lives in to my Windows world. I cobbled the web banner together, but the other files will be far more a challenge. Unfortunately the only applications I have to open and edit these are on my work computer, and I can't spend a lot of time here on this. Only during my forced breaks.

I'm always on the look out for stuff to raffle, and others should be doing this as well. Anyone, like Steve, who are contacting vendors should now be able to point people to the rainierfalcons.com site to see the banner and link page as proof-of-purchase, so to speak.

We do need to all move this forward - each our own part. :BEER:

February 24th, 2015, 06:01 PM
I promise that I'm not complaining and just trying to help.
We had our last meeting and discussed several issues about the mini-meet. I cannot remember everything that was said about who is or isn't doing what. Carol and I volunteered to purchase the hot dogs, buns, chips, and colas for the meet. We talked about getting enough for 100 folks, but it might have been 150????
Here is the issue. Wouldn't it help if we kept notes from our meetings and posted those for everyone to see in a special meeting section? I have been the secretary of our church for years, secretary of my golf league and we all need notes from our meetings to share with those who couldn't be at the meetings. It might keep others from getting as confused as I get.

February 24th, 2015, 08:12 PM
I have four more items for the raffle, similar to what I brought last year. Two of the collapsible coolers that are on tripod stands, and a couple of car wash kits. And I'm sure Jeff and I can put together another Starbucks basket full of goodies.

I agree, we need a secretary for the meetings that can take good notes. As you can tell, I suck at it! :mad: Any volunteers?

February 24th, 2015, 09:14 PM
Hey Roger,

The bottom of the banner says to RSVP by September 1 for a free raffle ticket.

Uh isn't the show in July?

February 24th, 2015, 10:58 PM
And maybe we could link to three photos from last years show. Can we grab them from the old thread? We might as well have some that show what the event will look like.

February 25th, 2015, 08:34 AM
Hey Roger,

The bottom of the banner says to RSVP by September 1 for a free raffle ticket.

Uh isn't the show in July?

I already PM'd Patrick on that. He is our web guy.

As for a secretary, I'm not going to do that too.... :doh:


February 25th, 2015, 12:02 PM
Id volunteer my wife she take a mean set of notes, but we have a difference in location issue..
Like we live 300 plus miles away

February 25th, 2015, 06:54 PM
Would it be possible to have a different volunteer at each meeting to take notes and give them to the secretary to post? Without the notes it is hard for those that couldn't attend to see what decisions or issues come up. It is also hard for us to remember what decisions were made. Not trying to make it harder, just trying to help.

February 25th, 2015, 09:12 PM
I already PM'd Patrick on that. He is our web guy.

As for a secretary, I'm not going to do that too.... :doh:


It's fixed.

February 26th, 2015, 08:45 AM
Would it be possible to have a different volunteer at each meeting to take notes and give them to the secretary to post? Without the notes it is hard for those that couldn't attend to see what decisions or issues come up. It is also hard for us to remember what decisions were made. Not trying to make it harder, just trying to help.

The problem Larry is that for the duration the club has not had an official Secretary, who would be taking notes and posting them. Kenny has been the fill-in on this position, but wasn't there officially. For the most part this club is being run by volunteers and not elected officials. Not exactly by-law to the letter activity, but because Kenny is generally always at the meeting, as am I, we've made do.

February 27th, 2015, 07:37 PM
My brother is going to come this direction from Tucson while we have the mini-meet and then we will head down to Reno for Hot August Nights. Is it okay if he brings his beautiful 64 Fairlane Thunderbolt Clone to the meet?

February 28th, 2015, 11:13 AM
:WHATTHE: I'm thinking it's mandatory!

February 28th, 2015, 05:42 PM
My brother Jerry and his 64 Fairlane will come since Kenny said it's mandatory. It is also his birthday on the 26th so it should be fun. I am attaching some pics of his car and hope they come through.

March 3rd, 2015, 08:45 AM
Day late, dollar short, but I agree with Kenny. Because it is not a national club meet, the more the merrier as long as they are FoMoCo related. I think we need to draw the line there. But last year we had a couple Fairlanes and some Merc's and that's OK by me. As long as we get them to sell those other Fords and buy a Falcon, we'll have done our job.

I sent out some newsletter copy to the national club and hopefully we'll see something in the newsletter in the next month or so. I've never, ever, received replies from them, but material magically appears regardless. So keep your eye out there.

There has been some back discussion about posting information and making sure everyone knows things are happening as planned. We'll discuss some more about this at the meeting on Feb 18th and get a firm grip on the duties, but hopefully we are all pitching in as needed to make this meet a success. It takes us all. And if you have doubts about what you are needing to do, or have time to volunteer, or are struggling to keep up with your day-job and doing this, let us know as soon as you can! If you are not comfortable discussing it in the open, you can always PM me.


I've been trying, as I can, on this artwork stuff, but unfortunately it is tough, since the tools are on my work computer. So far things are not easily transporting over from the Mac world to the PC world I live in. And I've never needed to work on PrintQuality stuff - always web-based. Hope to work through it by starting from scratch, but there is a chance I'll come up short with the quality we saw from Joanna, who did this for a living. Won't be for lack of trying though.

March 3rd, 2015, 04:51 PM
Since I am definitely in the stupid range when it comes to helping you with the visual material. Maybe some of our members know of someone in their family who could help. I am concerned that Roger is going to burn out on all this stuff, and we all know this club would collapse without him. We have to give as much help as possible, and if necessary can we have a professional help, and we all donate to cover the cost that is needed. Larry

March 4th, 2015, 12:06 PM
Agree with Larry....
- I'm willing to pitch in for a pro if needed
- What software are you using Roger?

March 4th, 2015, 05:05 PM
I had decals made up for the underneath hood area that didn't cost too much. Here is the site that did the work and they may be able to help us. I am willing to chip in to have professional help to give Roger some well deserved breaks. If I knew what we needed I will contact them, get a price and then show what it would cost to our members.


March 4th, 2015, 06:03 PM
Thanks for all the offers and support. I'm currently at home sick with some crud that seems to be making the rounds. Saw Larry at Costco today, in fact, as I was there picking up some fresh cold meds and he mentioned his graphic people.

The art sent to me by Joanna was complete and was slowly finding ways to make things work - did enough to get the web banner done - but just can't find time to dig into it lately. My key associate at work retired and the new kid who replaced him has a lot left to learn, and I've been tasked to help him.

Anyway, the applications used were Adobe InDesign and Photoshop. Joanna worked in Mac and I'm a PC guy. I managed to convert the Mac fonts with a tool I found, but had about concluded starting from scratch might be faster for me than making the other bits cooperate.

Still unsure what all else we need. We all felt rather than a calendar we'd do a small poster. Maybe a 11x17 Kinkos thing will be fine. And a dash plaque. We also need the poster for the swap meet and Bellevue show.

So there you go. Back under the covers...

March 5th, 2015, 09:59 PM
Hope your crud clears up soon. And I'm sorry I don't have more time to help. New puppy has been keeping me busy with...all that entails. I created on event on our Facebook page and sent invites to the 77 members.


One thing I noticed was the mention of a 50/50 raffle. Did we end up doing that? I kind of recall some discussion about whether there would be enough interest to make a decent pot.

i won't be able to make the March meeting (dog training class) but maybe you could discuss interest in a special meeting to go over the details of the meet. Who's doing what and all that. Maybe a weekend, coffee shop meeting? There were a few things that fell through the cracks so maybe we could develop a checklist.

March 5th, 2015, 11:55 PM
I am not sure, but I think someone was getting the dash plaques. Never mind. :doh: Kenny, the meeting is a good idea and the checklist is a great idea. I will look into getting the dash plaques unless someone else already is. Just let me know?? I am checking and will find out the best quality for the best price. Do we need more than 50?? Crap, I need a beer to help with this headache.:BEER:

March 6th, 2015, 12:30 PM
I got a hold of Tristate trophies and we can get 50-100 dash plaques for $1.00 a piece and $25.00 for setup and $17.95 for shipping of 50-100. So for 100 it would be $142.95.


March 7th, 2015, 08:23 PM
I would say to bring that information to the meeting and submit it for a vote but that sounds like a decent price. We just need them the day of the show so depending on lead time for production we should have plenty of time.

We should also work out a budget so there is something to guide us. We had about 55 registered last year and 60 after a few rolled in late. I would say to be optimistic and shoot for 70-75 cars this year?

March 7th, 2015, 09:52 PM
Sounds like a good plan to me. I also would like to talk about what is needed for the banner and other items.

March 9th, 2015, 11:25 AM
I'm back in the land of the living again, so I'm going to do what I can to again look at this. Might pull a rabbit from my hat. But barring my ability to do so, it might be good to look at alternatives.

We need to have a meeting where Kenny can attend. He's too key a member of this group to miss out on the discussions. So we will work on that, perhaps shortly after the main meeting on the 18th.

March 9th, 2015, 04:49 PM
Glad you're back among "the living" again! I'm Sorry you had the misfortune to work with me and get the crud from me! I've still got the drips from the sinuses and hacking up crud.... but feeling great.

March 10th, 2015, 09:31 AM
Don't be hard on yourself Gene. My coworkers and you and Christoper and the cashier at the McDonalds - all have it. It's pretty pervasive this year and it's not a easy one to get over. I purposefully did nothing for 4 days so I could rest. Others here, who work and work and work (to just give it to us all) it has lingered for days and weeks. I'm probably 90% now after 6 days - and it was really bad on days 2 and 3.

Anyway - glad to hear you are almost over it too.

March 10th, 2015, 12:45 PM
I don't want to talk about it. :o

Almost done Gene. One of your parts is fighting the chrome powder!!

Jeff W
March 19th, 2015, 03:29 PM
Here is what the Google machine tells me about Wiener Sales in Tacoma-Pierce County:

Who needs to get a temporary food establishment permit?
Individuals or groups planning to serve or sell food at events open to the public must obtain a permit. If you advertise your event using fliers, banners, newspaper articles, Facebook, or by other means, it is considered a public event.

All temporary food establishments must meet other agency requirements (e.g., local fire department).

Church dinners or other unadvertised events for members and their guests only do not require a temporary food establishment permit.


I interpret some of the information on this site to mean:
1) Out event falls into"Temporary Food Establishment": 1-14 days
2) Fully cooked Hot Dogs are considered "Low Risk" Catagory
3) "Low Risk" Permit: $100

Read here:


There are also requirements like Outside BBQ needs 4 foot separation/barrier from public and a second hand washing area. (I didn't even know we needed a first)

Please check the above site and be sure I am not missing something. If this is true, my opinion is that we don't want to take the risk or pay more for a permit than we would likely make in proceeds.

March 19th, 2015, 04:01 PM
It's probably not hard to call ourselves the Church of the Falcons instead. I think I'm at least half-way done writing the Falcon Bible right here on this forum. So we're good!

March 19th, 2015, 06:12 PM
I didn't call Griots today and ask any information about food, since it was pretty much decided at the meeting to "Don't ask- Don't tell". Before we make any decisions, let me call Griots tomorrow. I am sure they have dealt with this before.. If we do need a permit then I would agree with Jeff, and bag the idea. More to come. Larry

March 19th, 2015, 07:02 PM
One possibility:

To get around the food permit, could the club supply the fire and individuals supply and cook their own food?

March 19th, 2015, 07:14 PM
Serve non cooked food....

March 20th, 2015, 12:05 PM
I didn't make it last year, but if I plan early there is no reason I couldn't make it. It's 50 miles from Woodinville so I wanted to ask if there is normally a convoy/parade enroute or do you just trailer?

Jeff W
March 22nd, 2015, 01:55 PM
I didn't make it last year, but if I plan early there is no reason I couldn't make it. It's 50 miles from Woodinville so I wanted to ask if there is normally a convoy/parade enroute or do you just trailer?

A couple us us Seattle guys met in Seatle and drove down together. I think the only trailer car was a long-running Sprint. Hopefully some of the North end guys/gals can chime in and provide you escort.

Jeff W
March 22nd, 2015, 01:57 PM
Event Insurance Application and check sent!

March 23rd, 2015, 02:30 PM
I didn't make it last year, but if I plan early there is no reason I couldn't make it. It's 50 miles from Woodinville so I wanted to ask if there is normally a convoy/parade en-route or do you just trailer?

It's always better to convoy down. I'll be coming down from Lynnwood and there are a few others in this neck of the woods who may want to meet-up and drive down together. We certainly had more convoying back in the evening than we had going south due to the difficulty of coordinating a meeting place that early. Be sure to check back in as the day approaches and we'll see what we can do.

March 24th, 2015, 11:30 PM
Not having a lot of luck getting someone at Griot's to call me back. So far they are saying we can cook the food and not worry about the license, but then tell me they want to make sure, and will call back. I'll try again tomorrow.

March 25th, 2015, 08:27 AM
Maybe if we supply the cold dogs and tell people they can cook their own - just like at a picnic bbq - this will circumnavigate the issue. We are only selling the supplies - not the cooked food.

March 25th, 2015, 03:59 PM
Griots called me back. They mentioned that almost all groups that utilize the cooking facilities are cooking only for their "group". Therefore they haven't needed licenses. He also stated that since the folks coming would be in our "Falcon" group we shouldn't have any issues. He mentioned that most of the groups give out a meal ticket when they pay to register their cars.

We could do something like that?? Since we are not charging for registration I am not sure how to do that exactly. I am willing to go ahead, but should we?

Selling the supplies and letting them cook their own? Might be just the ticket. Carol and I have a saying that we use all the time, "Nothing is easy" so why should this be any different.

March 26th, 2015, 09:24 AM
I think if we can ask if they want to buy a meal ticket (1 for each person) at registration, and then give them the number they purchase. We can then cook up the dogs and put them in a foil dish and they can make their own in exchange for a ticket. More pot-luck than vendor.

This is more like the Church of Falcon as opposed to the Griot's Car Show (come one, come all) and as such we can just go for it.

One other option might be to contact a local food truck company, who "may" agree to come and setup for nothing and sell food. Or the local boy scouts like we see at Bellevue Car Show. But I'm thinking the first scenario would work too.

March 26th, 2015, 11:24 PM
I guess unless there is some more info, let's just go with that. I got a $50 gift certificate for lunch or dinner at Sparta's pizza in Lynnwood which is IMHO the best pizza in the universe. I am searching for other gifts. Larry

March 28th, 2015, 12:52 AM
Last year I talked to the Wart Hog (bbq) in Tacoma and they said they would be happy to bring one of thief trucks and sell bbq to us. Just need to ask them.

March 31st, 2015, 10:18 AM
If there is no cost to the club, would be worth exploring this route just to get a sense of what is involved.

I have been working on the art-bits sent over by Joanna and have everything changed over. I'm not seeing anything that looks like the post-card we sent, so I'm going to email her to see if that was a file-set I didn't get. Otherwise it's just an issue of throwing all the PDF's onto a flash-drive and taking them somewhere to print. Hopefully they don't need anything more than that. Not sure if anyone has a favorite print shop - or knows where the best deals are for this - but if you do, please let me know.

Theoretically everyone who wants to see them, test their appearance on other computers, or go copy off one or more for their local use, can download them from my dropbox account - here:


Jeff W
March 31st, 2015, 07:28 PM
Certificate came in the mail today. Our event is covered.

April 27th, 2015, 04:48 PM
Quick update: getting raffle prizes this year is like pulling teeth. Haven't given up just means it's time to lean on them a bit.
Summit is usually good for bags and stickers, some gift certs are in the mail so not all hope is lost yet. How goes everyone else's battles??

April 28th, 2015, 09:52 AM
Much has happened since the last meeting. I lost two employees in my department (of the 3 of us) and have now taken over all customer support duties at work. Very long days. This has left me little time, if any, to work on anything. Even writing this I'm letting calls go to voicemail just to get it done. On my "not-so-free time" I am still building two vehicles. Finding it lucky to scrounge up a couple hours per week to do anything but.

I've been growing very concerned about the mini (for a variety of reasons), but not much I can do about it as I've not found a way to add more hours into the day yet. I need to get my truck done in time to haul stuff to and from the swap meet - and that is coming up very soon. I'm not sure I will make that deadline. Truly in headless chicken mode.

I did do the mini art (I think) as noted above, but nobody has indicated having looked at any of it to see if they found anything wrong. I'll have to assume they are fine. I'll probably have to use Kinko's because they are close, but probably not cheapest.

Have still no idea what to do about a post-card mailing. Have no postcard yet or the time to even make it and print them right now. Who mailed these out last year? How was this handled? Can anyone step up to the plate to do this? If not, it may not get done. I might be able to make the art for the post card if someone can handle the printing and mailing part.

There's probably more, but I that's all I have right now.

April 28th, 2015, 11:18 AM
I pretty much did all of the promotion (or tried) last year but my time is really limited this summer. Someone's going to have to volunteer if we want to get post cards out with enough time to make a difference.

I got the mailing list from the FCA and merged it into a Word template for the labels last year. I got the post cards printed at Staples, bought stamps, stuck on the labels and stamps, and brought them to the post office.

I can always send someone the Word docs from last year for the labels. We will probably miss a few new members but it would be better than nothing.

The sign I made for the main road to point to the show was stolen sometime during the show so someone will need to make another if we want one.

Sorry, I'm swamped. We've got 30 or so paid members but the 5 or 6 of us who put 90% of the effort into the club are probably getting frustrated having to do the legwork. We need some members to step up. I'm guessing I put in 40+ hours of work into last years show but that's not in the cards this time.

April 28th, 2015, 12:45 PM
Anything from Don and his wife on the raffle end? I might have missed the goodie bag part too is anyone on that? I can get all the bags from Summit?

April 28th, 2015, 12:56 PM
Kenny - Would it be a least possible for you to find the few minutes needed to at least print those labels? All done on a Mac I'm sure and that's a lot less work for you to print versus someone like me to import to Windows, hope they convert (and they never do), reformat (as needed), and then (fingers crossed) they print OK. I've spent almost 20 hours so far to work through all the art stuff mostly due to conversion issues. Time I really didn't have and now other things are suffering.

Steve - I have no clue right now about the goodie bag stuff. I have literally had zero minutes to go there. I think I still need to make something to compete with the calendar from last year, but I wouldn't swear it will happen now. That's a pretty big project.

And yes, I think there is a lot of frustration going into any club function. If each of us did just a little, I think every one of us can find an hour or two in the span of 3 months to do something to help.

April 28th, 2015, 01:06 PM
I'll go ahead and contact Summit for one of the show kits and that will cover the bags and stickers. Plus I'll look for stuffing for the bags.

EVERYONE can help with goodie bag stuff. Just ask places. Tire shops love to give trinkets, banks will usually give some pens, use your imagination and help me stuff the bags. You can email or PM me. I am asking for your help on this.

I will keep after the main vendors for raffle items and I'm sure a lot will step up. If you have any thoughts or ideas let me know just in case I have already contacted someone.

About 2 1/2 months to go lets push through it!L!:banana:[thumb]:WHATTHE:

April 28th, 2015, 01:09 PM
If the artwork can be supplied to me, I'll handle the printing and mailing.
I looked at the previous artwork and it looked good to me.

April 28th, 2015, 01:14 PM
Thanks Steve & Gene.

I've got quite a few raffle things and will be making another hub-cap lamp or two (probably last-minute) but should have plenty to offer from my "loft".

April 28th, 2015, 01:17 PM
If the artwork can be supplied to me, I'll handle the printing and mailing.
I looked at the previous artwork and it looked good to me.

Gene, What I have linked is the same art I'd be giving you. The printer could probably just download it or you can bring with on a flash drive. The web banner art could probably be "stretched to fit" a 3x5 postcard without anything more to do.

April 28th, 2015, 01:50 PM
The labels are just MS Word docs so there shouldn't be an OS issue unless it's a really old version of Word. I would have to go up and buy some more 30 per sheet address labels. Whoever is interested in taking this on, let me know and I'll send the files. If they open up, great. If not I can get labels and print them and bring to the meeting.

April 28th, 2015, 04:21 PM
Kenny, send me the files. I may even have some labels left from when my daughter was on a swim team. I hafta check. I have a pretty new version of Word, so that shouldn't be a problem. Do you still have my email addy?

don b
April 28th, 2015, 04:54 PM
Kathy and I have verified that we have the Raffle supplies here. If you have items ready by May 13th meeting, we can take them then.

I request items for goodie bags from my son at O'Reillys and this is what the answer was "I'll have can cozies pens pencils and possibly cooler bags and keychains available in that quantity. Plus T-shirt bags if needed."

I have been to Harbor Freight and got some smalls for the raffle also.

Don B[yay]

April 28th, 2015, 04:58 PM
Awesome thanks for the update Don. I'll continue in my search for larger prizes and I will have some stuff from my shop as well. [thumb]

April 29th, 2015, 11:34 AM
I think we're doing pretty good in that department from this report. That's good.

Larger vendors would be nice, but I guess DogHows Powder Coating is the best vendor anyway, so who needs the others.


I'll be bringing most of my stuff direct to the mini, I think. I'm not so sure I'll have the time by the 13th of May to get into my loft and dig through all my bins, but I'm going to try. I need to pull out stuff for the swap meet which is only two days later anyway. It's just that crazy for me right now. Daily I ask myself whether I should stop at the grocery store and buy food and then cook it - or get fast food. The answer seems to be... Hmmm, I could get that one extra part installed tonight if I could just save that much time.


April 29th, 2015, 05:07 PM
I was on-line talking to a planner of a car show I went to in Tucson, about providing food. He tells me they used to cook and sell/provide food for donations. But, they heard horror stories of law suits that people blamed them for bad food. It was from a couple of mountain biking groups. They couldn't prove that the food wasn't bad, so that was the issue. Before they decided to discontinue they checked with their insurance provider and were told that if they went through their local health department and got the proper licenses there probably wouldn't be any issues. PROBABLY scares me. That is why they hold their show in a restaurant parking lot now.
So in my honest opinion, those of you who felt it wasn't a good idea, are probably right.So say ye???

April 30th, 2015, 07:57 AM
Maybe you can look around (on Google) for Tacoma-based food catering trucks who might be willing to come and park. Perhaps the don't charge for the service but get paid by selling their wares. Wishful thinking anyway.

I think it would be nice to keep people at the venue as opposed to sending them off down the street to get food. We do have two bar-b-q racks there too, so people can probably bring their own stuff to grill if they knew about that.

April 30th, 2015, 01:15 PM
I did confirm last year that the Warthog BBQ in Fife/Tacoma was more than willing to bring their truck there to sell people BBQ. :BEER: I'd be happy to check on others over the next few weeks and come up with some options. I think we will have several to choose from if we want. Just (one of you leaders) let me know...I don't want to work on this is someone else is already on it.

April 30th, 2015, 01:21 PM
The food department was taken on by Larry. As long as you and he are in agreement with each other none of the leaders elsewhere are opposed. So it is written, so shall it be done.

May 2nd, 2015, 09:47 AM
Don talked to me about the food and he is going to see if the Warthog BBQ will sell food to us. Everyone that I contacted wanted a guarantee of at least $500 to come. If Warthog BBQ will not charge us to sell, then let's go with them.
Roger, you must have seen the movie "Ten Commandments"? So let it be written, so let it be done.

May 2nd, 2015, 02:40 PM
Can you guys tell me how many people we had last year?

May 2nd, 2015, 08:24 PM
Don unofficially we had 50 or so registered cars. I counted at one point closer to 60. If you figure two per car thats 120 people but I bet there were more than that. Plus the onlookers that showed up to Griots and came over to see the cars. I would guestimate 200-250 people cruised through!?!

May 27th, 2015, 03:13 PM
I'm back in town from a week-long fishing trip in Canada. I got the last of the postcards sent off to the guys from Canada that signed in at the 2014 Mini. I now have 40 or so postcards left. If anyone wants a few to mail off to friends or whatever, let me know, eh? :)

May 30th, 2015, 02:53 PM
Roger found a set of four wheel covers at the swap meet a few weeks ago. I shined up the best two and installed the last of the clockworks I had purchased a while back. So put these down as donations for the mini-regional raffle.

Roger made a nice floor lamp out of wheel covers last year. If anyone has something Falcon related and cool to turn into something cooler (crankshaft table lamp anyone??), we're always looking for things that will sell a few more raffle tickets!

June 7th, 2015, 06:03 PM
Anyone know of a good Rv place that is near the car show venue?

This time my oops, the wife did it, has a different theme to it...

June 9th, 2015, 01:23 PM
Looks like fun times to me! Hey Lucy!

I have no doubts there is a KOA somewhere in this neck of the woods. That would be where I'd check first.

June 9th, 2015, 07:14 PM
We're thinking Dash point state park. Its about 14 miles away.

We'll see you guys in July..

Think the falcon can pull it? Lol..

I want to find a 57-66 f250 in red and white, to pull the trailer.

don b
June 27th, 2015, 01:03 PM
I was at a show today and talked with some nice ladys who ran the food truck. They have the 26th of July open. Food was good(burgers and dogs) and they were nice. Mocha Motion is their truck, 253-232-3726 and www.themochamotion.com (http://www.themochamotion.com). Larry I hope you can contact them

June 27th, 2015, 11:32 PM
I called and left a message to get back to me. Sounds like they would be fine. If I don't hear back from them tomorrow I will call them again. Larry

June 29th, 2015, 10:23 PM
Should have looked here before answering the PM. Thanks for checking Larry.

June 30th, 2015, 10:04 PM
Mocha Motion will be at our show on the Sunday the 26th. They will arrive at 0900 and stay at least until 1300 or later if they are still selling.
They offer a lot of coffee's as you can tell by their name. They sell hot dogs. Hope they sell a lot to make it worth their while so let's support them the best we can. Larry

July 14th, 2015, 01:30 PM
I won't be able to make it to the meeting tomorrow (on the 15th), but I do plan to be at the Mini (without Granddad's falcon) and can help out where needed-especially in the morning through lunch time. A few thoughts/comments:
Last year-

Trash was all full when we got there- unless someone has discussed this with Griote's, I can show up with some large trash bags just in case. Just let me know.

Ice- I brought it last year- happy to bring it again if requested- just let me know if we are still doing ice given that we have a lunch truck there...

Greeter- I was one of the first to show up last year, it seemed like especially early in the morning people were showing up with their cars- and it wasn't real clear where to go/get picture taken/park/etc. or what the layout is. I'm happy to take any assignments to help out with that too- just let me know.

July 14th, 2015, 01:53 PM
I'll let others comment on the need for trash-bags or ice, but if nobody does by tomorrow, we'll discuss and update you post-meeting.

As for a greeter and director of traffic, if you are available, that would be great!

As far as a registration table attendant I know Gene volunteered for this, but it isn't looking like he'll be making it this year. Not speaking for him, but that's a distinct possibility based upon his current travels. So that station will need a volunteer - just in case. I think Steve Harwood hung out with him last year too, handing out goodie bags, so perhaps he's able to do-so again this year if Gene can't make it, along with another volunteer. Please consider helping here if you're a good people-person.

Jeff W
July 14th, 2015, 01:59 PM
I will take a shift or two at the check-in table. No reason any one of us needs to be chained there all day. Tag teaming works

July 14th, 2015, 02:47 PM
I will take a shift or two at the check-in table.

Like I said - a good people person.


One can assume after about 10 AM most will have arrived by then and this post will be vacated for the most part.

July 14th, 2015, 09:49 PM
I'll do anything that needs doing.

BTW - RockAuto sent me a big stack of magnets for the goodie bags and a $25 gift certificate for whatever we want.

July 15th, 2015, 08:25 AM
We need a report from Steve as well regarding goodie bags and other things he may be bringing. Steve, where art thou?

July 17th, 2015, 04:26 PM
I mentioned earlier that I have a $50 gift certificate from Sparta's in Lynnwood. I also have a few things but don't know if they should be brought. I have two sets of new windshield wipers. Slightly used Dual Master Cylinder. New Air Breather with hose attachment for valve cover. Two almost new 302 ford badges. Larry

July 20th, 2015, 10:38 AM

I'd say bring it to the show or over to my house if you're not planning to be there early enough for Don and Kathy to get it first thing in the morning. All of these would be of interest to someone, I'm sure.

July 20th, 2015, 05:26 PM
Roger, Don,
Ok, since I wasn't' at the meeting I just want to make sure I've got my assignments correct:

trash bags- they are already in my car just in case.
Ice - last year I brought ice for the cold drinks...is that needed again? Happy to do it, but not if it's already covered.

Greeter - happy to do it. Questions/thoughts:

Is there a basic layout for where we want everyone to park?

ie., different groups in certain areas?

Will there be pictures like last year? I can make sure everyone drives by to get them on their way to park their car, and ask them to check in at the desk after they park.
The official start time we have posted is 10 am. I can be there any time, but what time do you think people will start to arrive? I'm thinking about 8:30.
If I'm the greeter, a couple others will need to take care of the check in desk.

Let me know...looking forward to seeing some other falcons again...

Jeff W
July 21st, 2015, 01:47 PM
We need a report from Steve as well regarding goodie bags and other things he may be bringing. Steve, where art thou?

Maybe Steve forgot his Forum Password... should we be worried?

July 22nd, 2015, 01:13 PM
1) My sound PA. Hopefully Kenny can bring his music and adapter again.

2) Raffle items of various sorts.

3) Dash magnets and large poster.

4) Stop/Slow sign for traffic monitor.

5) One 6' long table.

6) Raffle tickets

July 22nd, 2015, 01:22 PM
1) My sound PA. Hopefully Kenny can bring his music and adapter again.

Added to my list!

Jay Baker
July 22nd, 2015, 01:45 PM
I'm planning on driving the Falcon and participating any way I can.
Hopefully I'll be there mid morning or before. Jay

don b
July 22nd, 2015, 03:54 PM
Kathy and I will be there with water, cooler and raffle supplies. Roger do I need raffle tickets?

July 22nd, 2015, 04:01 PM
Don - appended my list. They are already in the bag with some of my raffle offerings.

July 23rd, 2015, 08:59 AM
We leave tomorrow morning for Sunday's show.
We are staying on the coast down in Tokeland.
I'll have the 1961 Shasta trailer and my pick up.
I will not be bringing the falcon..
Just not ready to drive it that far.
Today it wants to charge at 16volts at idle..

My electrical gremlin reared its head again.. though its been 4 years since ive had this problem..

Not sure what to do with it..

July 23rd, 2015, 10:59 AM
Bring the trailer!

And a photo album of you Falcons.

July 23rd, 2015, 11:03 AM
Kathy and I will be there with water, cooler and raffle supplies. Roger do I need raffle tickets?


We may no longer have goodie bags as I think Steve was bringing those. Not 100% sure because he has yet to reply. Did you have O'reilly bags left-over from last year? If not, does anyone have 100 plastic bags we can have?

July 23rd, 2015, 11:42 AM
Deb and I will be coming later in the morning. We can man the raffle table or WHATEVER after we get there.
Alas, Freddie won't be coming... :(

July 23rd, 2015, 01:52 PM
Any update on my assignment questions?

July 23rd, 2015, 02:03 PM

For sure the ice. The other Don and Kathy will have water and the cooler.

The rest of the duties may just get divvied up as needed.

I would like a little more organization with Falcons versus other brands - just so a group picture for the national newsletter will be all Falcons. We could organize parking by year and model, or not.

I've not heard anything from Diane whether she will take pictures or not. I will bring my camera and tripod just in case. We'll use Griot's as the background if need be.

Any of us doing setup duties should be there about 8:30. Last year the Griot's people were late to open the gate, so the earlier people show the better in case we need to pack stuff in from the street again.

July 23rd, 2015, 02:25 PM
Oh, and to be sure everyone knows where they're going:

Griot's Garage
3333 South 38th Street
Tacoma, WA

Approaching from the NORTH...
Take exit 132A off of I-5;
Take a Right (west) at S. 38th St;
Take another Right at S. Lawrence St.

From the SOUTH, it looks like you...
Take exit 132;
Take the cloverleaf on to S. 38th St West-bound;
Take Right at S. Lawrence St.

July 23rd, 2015, 02:46 PM
Ok, attached is a screen capture of the space for discussion. The top of the pic is due north. All falcons on the left (west) first then and fill in towards the north? or our club on the south along the grass first then filling in west to north?
Just throwing it out there for discussion. (I was the guy there early last time when some early birds arrived and asked where they should park and my elegant answer was "uhhhh.....")

Five bags of ice do it Don? I can't remember how many we did last year.

July 23rd, 2015, 03:38 PM
OK, Here's a color chart we could use. The only issue will be whether groups that came together want to park together. We saw a lot of that last year.

I see on-line a lot of pictures of people parking on the grass, so some overflow or at least a couple key cars could do that I guess.

July 23rd, 2015, 03:40 PM
I think we could also direct cars up the ramp and into the front of the shop, take their picture, and then send them to their spot below. Will have to look at that when we get there.

July 23rd, 2015, 05:31 PM
Do you really want me to bring the trailer to the show?
I mean i can, but its 19 feet long and would take up at least 4 spaces.

We're bringing the trailer to the coast. Thats part of the reason for not bringing the falcon. That and its just not ready.. its getting close though..

A radiator and no electrical gremlin and i would have..

July 23rd, 2015, 05:48 PM
Plenty of room and I think many would like to see it. I allocated space in my colorized map.

July 23rd, 2015, 06:34 PM
Do we have anyone to take photos yet? Diane was there last year to do it but it was kind of a bust for her. It was a little chaotic when we opened the gate and not clear that people were supposed to go to the NE corner for a photo and then pull around to park.

We start at 10:00 which is on the late side for a car show and there were already early birds showing up when we got there at 8:00. So there's that to deal with. And again, I've never communicated with Diane about taking photos so I wouldn't count on it.

If we do take photos, I think it would be better for everyone to get parked and settled in and then go around and take the photos. The parking spots are pretty big so you can get a good shot of the car without the one next to it showing. How we get these to the participants is another thing!

Jeff W
July 23rd, 2015, 07:11 PM
OK, Here's a color chart we could use. The only issue will be whether groups that came together want to park together. We saw a lot of that last year.

I see on-line a lot of pictures of people parking on the grass, so some overflow or at least a couple key cars could do that I guess.

I know the Canadian group will also have a few non-Falcons with them... I would hate to split them up.

July 23rd, 2015, 07:24 PM
Roger, nice work on the map!
Does the SW red section have to be saved for Griotes customer parking?

I suggest we put trailers (Nathan) on the far North so we don't block any rubber necks trying to check us out from the road that might be considering stopping in.

Agree with Kenny on the early birds and not knowing where to go...is, photos, etc. I Agree it may have been a bust for her because we had no greeter directing.

Do we have a "car show" sign to put out by the Main Street?

On items for the raffle...some items with more broad appeal are great for raffles, but I think some items it's better to sell. I know it's not a swap meet, but have we considered a table to sell falcon stuff for people with say a 25% cut of the sales price for anything that sells? (I have a few things I would like to get some cash out of (which I had planned to eBay at some point) and it would be great to make a few bucks for me AND the club. I wouldn't mind donating A few parts to the club for the raffle but I don't they would bring much in a raffle situation...

July 23rd, 2015, 08:13 PM
Well, I'll have the trailer with us.
If you'd like us to bring it to the show we can.
Wont hurt my feeling either way.
We're staying till Tuesday..
We should get to Tokeland tomorrow evening.

I have to stop by bale breaker a fill a couple of growlers..
Plus explore a couple breweries in westport and anywhere else close.

July 23rd, 2015, 10:05 PM
...Do we have a "car show" sign to put out by the Main Street?...

I made one for the last show but it was stolen some time during the day. It was hand made and I don't have time to put one together at this point.

July 24th, 2015, 07:22 PM
I'm not bringing the trailer..
The rv park we're staying at is too much a pia to get in and park at. I dont want to do it twice..

July 24th, 2015, 09:29 PM

Other regional and national meets have had swap meet areas. I say bring what you have and if you can make some money, make some money and help a fellow member out.


No worries.

July 24th, 2015, 09:54 PM
For giggles im going to attempt to look at a falcon wagon Saturday..

Maybe I'll show up in falcon after all..

July 24th, 2015, 10:02 PM
Sounds good Roger. It's mostly some freshly plated handles and hubcaps..at various levels of quality...and if any of you guys on my normal "board of directors" want any of it for your car...I'll probably just put it in your passenger seat.
Jeff- by the way, i ended up with a new rear parking brake cable for a wagon..if you need one, it's yours, if not, it will probably be up for sale too.

Kenny, I can't believe someone took your sign!
btw, I saw on fb that Diane won't be at the show. I'll also bring my camera and we can all pitch in with pics.

July 24th, 2015, 10:27 PM
Picture is us climbing Vantage hill before Ryegrass rest area.

Photo courtesy of a friend going to the good guys show.

Im not sure, what we were thinking when we picked Tokeland. Its 120 miles away from the show.. wth?

Oh yea.. we were avoiding the motor cycle ralley at Ocean shores..

See ya guys Sunday..
If ya need anything hollar we'll help where we can..

July 25th, 2015, 09:45 AM
Wow Tokeland is a real place? I thought you were just poking fun at western Washington in general. (Insert emotion of a guy lighting up here.)

That trailer look really nice...it would match incredibly well with my red and white falcon.

Jeff W
July 25th, 2015, 10:36 AM
Wow Tokeland is a real place? I thought you were just poking fun at western Washington in general. (Insert emotion of a guy lighting up here.)

That trailer look really nice...it would match incredibly well with my red and white falcon.

Not with your 144 c.i. (insert emotion of eight guys pushing a falcon and trailer up a slight incline.)

See you all tomorrow. Let's hope for no rain!

A few of us Seattle guys are meeting @ Michaels's Market to caravan down. Corner of Denny Way and Fairview Avenue (2010 Fairview Ave
Seattle, WA 98121) with a pull out time of 7:30 am

don b
July 25th, 2015, 02:04 PM
Kathy and I have the O'Reilly goody bags. See you in the morning.

July 25th, 2015, 04:14 PM
The bird is washed, all packed up, and ready to roll. I'll be at Michael's Market and join the caravan down in the morning.

Rain, rain, go away! Come again on Monday...:rain: At least it looks like the showers may not start until later and later in the afternoon as I check my weather app. We should be pretty flexible about letting participants get in early and park but we can wait to open the registration table later. That way they can have some extra time to get their car staged and look around.

I didn't notice but the Griot's calendar lists an 8:00 start so we will likely get cars arriving early. Maybe the first one there can try and track down someone in the store to open the gate??

July 25th, 2015, 07:16 PM
If anyone wants to buy a 64 falcon station wagon..
I know where one is.. i passed on it.

We'll (the family) be there between 10 and 11..

We have a 2 hour drive to get there.. at least its shorter than the 10 hour drive to get to the beach.

Where's the after party being held at? Lol..

July 25th, 2015, 10:10 PM
Was gonna drive both cars out tomorrow, but Ranchero has some clunk I'm not liking and the wagon would not start. The Ranchero is staying home. Wagon is stuffed to the gills, and after it got a new battery tonight it should make it.

I will bypass the Fairview meet as I need to get Lila further south at the Boeing Access Road exit.

July 26th, 2015, 04:33 PM
Great show! Thanks to everyone who helped out. I counted 42 Falcons, Comets, or Fairlanes at one point. I don't recall the dollar figure but I do know we made more money this year on the raffle and I'm pretty sure our expenditures are way less than 2014.

And no rain! I think I felt a very light mist once but nothing noticeable. I much prefer a cool, cloudy day to last Sunday's over 90 degrees heatwave!

Here's a few shots I took at the show:

July 26th, 2015, 05:19 PM
Looks like Kenny beat me to this. Here is another pano.

Jeff W
July 26th, 2015, 05:46 PM
Financials from today:

$100.00 - Insurance
$134.04 - Postcard printing and mailing
$80.80 - Posters and Fliers

$411.00 - Raffle

NET: +$96.16

We signed up two new members (welcome new members), and two current members got caught up on their dues.

The rain held off until we were all packed up. The Food/Coffee truck was just awesome. Jennifer was very kind and the offerings were great!

Many thanks to everyone that worked hard on making this a success and a huge thank you for those that came out (with or without Falcon) to join in the conversation and tire kicking. I was very surprised and pleased how far some had traveled to be here today. What a great group.:rocker:

July 26th, 2015, 05:53 PM
A few more photos

July 26th, 2015, 05:56 PM
And a few more....

July 26th, 2015, 05:58 PM
The last of them for now...

July 26th, 2015, 09:25 PM
Just getting home - thanks for the picture posts. I have a lot of pics and will create a gallery as time permits.

Considering the weather threat, which I'm sure kept a few away just for that alone, it was a good day. Sad to not see some of you not making it and great to see some of you who we haven't seen in a while. Thanks to everyone who participated leading up to and including today.

July 26th, 2015, 09:51 PM
I only wish the day could have lasted longer.
I caught up with some, talked to new falconers, missed others.
I spent too much time and money inside the store..

Really wish i could have brought a car..

Am i correct in assuming next year is back in woodland?

Wish the day was longer..

Thanks for the putting on the show.


July 26th, 2015, 09:59 PM
Great show guys, and we even made a few bucks...
I really enjoyed seeing everyone and meeting a lot of new folks.

July 27th, 2015, 12:01 AM
It was indeed a great show. Lots of nice cars and met a bunch of really nice people. The Canadians were a pleasure to meet and talk to. It was very good of them to come so far.
My brother Jerry with the 64 Fairlane Thunderbolt Clone said to tell all of you thanks very much for welcoming him and he had a great time.
The pictures are fantastic. Larry