View Full Version : Sequim car show

January 10th, 2014, 10:42 AM
So our local mustang club has invited us to come to their car show. It is on May 4th from 9-3. They usually have one of the largest show for us out here.
It's the 50th anniversary for the mustang and they will be raffling off a 65 at the show. I have been told that if I have an idea how many they will group us together. They also are having a rod run the Saturday before.
This will probably be the first show for the delivery so I hope a few of you can make it.
Their web site is northolympicmustangs.com or just ask me about it. Thanks steve[thumb]

January 10th, 2014, 08:08 PM
Its on my calendar.

January 10th, 2014, 08:24 PM
Mine too..

Gina K
January 10th, 2014, 09:41 PM
I'll be there in the Comet......

January 11th, 2014, 10:12 AM
It's on my calendar. Hope I can squeeze it in with fishing season.

January 11th, 2014, 05:49 PM
Sounds like such a great time. Carol and I love to play golf over there also, but probably won't be back from Tucson until mid to late May. Larry

March 11th, 2014, 10:34 PM
Just a reminder, May 3rd is the rod run and the 4th is the car show. The event organizers have told me if I give them a count they will save an area for all our Falcons.
I just finished powder coating all the awards they has custom made for the show. The web site is posted in an earlier post so check it out there if you want. I think we should me up somewhere and cruise in as a group.
So we have about 5-6 weeks to get those cars ready. Hope to see a bunch of you there.

Host club web site us. www.northolympicmustangs.com.

March 12th, 2014, 10:59 AM
I'll add this to my agenda for the meeting next Wednesday the 19th as well as put it in the meeting announcement email. I know I'll have something I can drive out there that is working right by then.

March 12th, 2014, 12:45 PM
Cool thanks Rogers, I think if the weather holds out and I'm not swamped at work, I might try and drive over. It would be a good test for the delivery.
How long does it take you to get to my place from yours? 1-1.5 hrs??

March 12th, 2014, 02:25 PM
Takes about 30-45 minutes from your place to the ferry. You'd have to be on the 5:30 ferry at Kingston to make it. That would give you an hour once off the ferry to make it to the U-district from Edmonds. Doable. For instance, we caught the 7:50 AM ferry and were at your shop at 9:45 with a stop at McD's too. Usually to just your house - 9:15.

March 13th, 2014, 11:21 AM
Weather looks ok if so I'm going to go for it. I will bring some registration forms for the Sequim show with me. (Like how I tied that back into the thread) so if anyone wants to preregister it's only $15 instead if $20 at the gate.
Hope to make it over, it will be the delivery's first LONG trip. :rocker:

March 13th, 2014, 02:34 PM
... it will be the delivery's first LONG trip. :rocker:

Drive that puppy! I want to see pictures!

Road scene in Baltimore, 1964:

March 13th, 2014, 09:03 PM
Ok Dennis, just for you I will give it my best try. Maybe I can get a good picture of the car on the ferry? Let's hope for ?NO :rain:

March 13th, 2014, 10:08 PM
It would be good to see you over here with the bird. I'll be able to make this one as well.

As far as the show I am not sure. Van runs and drives fine but I don't know how deep into body work I will be by then. Trying to get the doors cleaned up.

March 25th, 2014, 03:24 PM
Just trying to keep this fresh in your minds: May 3rd car cruise - May 4th car show. You can get a registration form online and mail it in early to save $5. $15 in advance $20 at the gate. Let me know as soon as you can if you are coming for sure. They car show organizers told me they would save us spaces so we can park all together if I tell them how many.
I did a major sponsor for the show this year so they are letting me get away with a few privileges. I hope a bunch of you can make it, this will be the first showing for my delivery this year (I hope to get it all done).
This is about 4.5-5 weeks out so start shinning. That is all....[thumb][yay]:BEER::shift:

March 25th, 2014, 03:43 PM
We did talk about this at the meeting, and there were only 6 of us there and most have their cars in pieces hoping they get them together in time. I think the general concern was coming up with a spare $100 bill to make a trip there and back with show entry fees and ferry boats, etc. I know for myself, at the moment, that's a concern. I'm inclined to leave it to last minute to see what the day holds - since many of these places don't refund money if it is rained out.

But keep pinging the thread to keep everyone aware of it.

March 31st, 2014, 07:29 AM
On May 3rd the car cruise will leave Price Ford in Port Angeles and head out to Cape Flattery which is the Northern most point on the west coast. It's about a 2hr drive each direction. The drive will follow the straight of Juan Defuca most of the way. Should be a very nice drive.
On May 4th the car show is at the bus pavilion also in Port Angeles. It will start a 9am and run till about 3pm. The show organizers told me if we have enough Falcons coming they will do a special class for us with a trophy.
This is about 4 weeks away and we all know how time flies by. Hope to see some of you there. :shift:

April 1st, 2014, 03:10 PM
I've decided since I'm not 100% sure how well my cars run yet (have not driven the wagon since it was redone - and the Flarechero only about 15 miles, so far) that I'm going to take some vacation and drive them both over - one at a time, slowly, over the next week or so, and then just stay at your house until the show is over - and then drive back one and have you tow the other one back following behind.

Hope that's OK?

April 1st, 2014, 03:45 PM
Yup that is fine. I have plenty of room, just leave a set of keys and were all good. :rocker:

April 1st, 2014, 03:48 PM
April Fools!



April 11th, 2014, 08:55 AM
The time is getting close! May 3rd is the car cruise and May 4th is the car show... Hope some of you can make it. See the website below for more info or contact me..:3g::shift:[thumb]

April 23rd, 2014, 12:45 PM
Bump up. Sunday May 3rd car show Sequim. Weather is looking good so far. Let me know and if we have a few I can get us reserved space!!:rocker:

April 23rd, 2014, 03:02 PM
My plans to go got trumped by work a few days ago, I have to head east for 7 days including that weekend. :mad:

April 23rd, 2014, 03:44 PM
I'm still not sure what I'll trust to drive that far yet. I'm scrambling to try and wrap up the wagon so I can swap with the Ranchero and check out making it quieter and shift a little better. Been too rainy to even get into the carport to try that (besides the carport being packed with Falcon parts!). I have not driven the wagon yet with all the new parts, so it's still un-shook-out. Hoping it survived my radical changes to it.

I do have some items I need to have powder coated, so I was going to make that my secondary excuse for spending money right now to drive over there and back, but I have to have confidence I won't need to call AAA as well. [thumb]

I think the consensus at the meeting most were in the same boat as I (not the ferry boat) being unsure they could swing a show this early in the year - still trying to wrap up their long-winter projects (who has the 3-car garage?). I think you are about the only one who has been driving their Falcon. I think we will know if anyone makes this the night before. Not conducive to arranging all-together parking, I know, but what happens, happens.


Jeff W
April 23rd, 2014, 05:09 PM
I still want to come over sometime but afraid it won't be for the show:(

Take pictures of your award.

April 23rd, 2014, 05:11 PM
I didn't realize I was tipping a row of dominoes... :(

April 23rd, 2014, 09:00 PM
Guess I'll have them reserve a space for one?

April 23rd, 2014, 09:56 PM

Got the wagon together finally tonight, so maybe two. If we ever have a decent weather day (when I'm off) I will take it on a road trip to see how it does. But it may be last minute.

April 24th, 2014, 05:16 PM
I just got my headers back on after getting them ceramic coated. I'll need to break them in. And I had the steering box rebuilt, put on a new sway bar, and replaced the strut rod bushings. And all this means I now need a front end alignment.

So...you'll have to have fun without me. But don't forget to hand out cards and mention the mini-regional if you see any other Falcons.

April 24th, 2014, 05:24 PM
...all this means I now need a front end alignment.

Ah - a couple hundred miles won't wear out those tires. :D

It seems we're all doggin the doghows. Don't take it personal Steve. I've been busting my butt trying to get ready in time, as I think others have too. I know for me it's just been a pain to find time. But there is still a good chance I might make it over there.

April 24th, 2014, 06:13 PM
Ok so just to be clear the show is still 9 days away. Not this weekend but the next one, and on Sunday.

Anyway no big deal I just thought someone would like to see the first official unveil of the infamous 5 year Sedan Delivery restoration debut show... Just sayin. :D

All kidding aside if you can you can if not it's all good. Gas is expensive, work is cutting back and it makes it hard for us to do everything we want so it's time to pick and choose them. Maybe I'll make it over for the meeting on the 14th. [thumb]

April 24th, 2014, 09:15 PM
Carol and I are really sorry we can't be there at the show. We are leaving Tucson to come back home on April 30th and will be back in town around the 5th or 6th depending on how many times we get to play golf on the way home.
Hope it's a great show and that the weather cooperates.
My brother and I are going to the ADRA (Arizona Drag Racing Assoc.) races in Phoenix this weekend and my brother joined the ADRA. Not sure he will race yet, still trying to get the car setup for all the requirements.
I am also looking at some issues before I race my car and I am sure someone in our club knows the answers. ONE. Is there a safe seatbelt system that will fit in a stockish car without having to add a roll bar. (Four Point)??

April 24th, 2014, 09:30 PM
Wishing you luck and great weather on your big debut...:banana:
Wish I could be there (and bring those parts I keep talking about...), but my son is graduating from Law school in...New York (and he actually has a job already too)- and so can't miss that.
"Granddad's falcon" is actually really coming along now too...bottom almost done, suspension almost done...and ready to reinstall, cowl done, welding done. Taking pics, but working too hard in my spare few hours here and there on the car to take time to get caught up and get the pics posted. My other son is graduating from UW soon too...and family is coming to visit...you know what that means- HONEY- DO's. At some point I will do a big catch up kick off of my thread..I only need something like 37,000 more postings to catch up to you![BOW]

Have fun!

May 2nd, 2014, 08:59 AM
Just a quick heads up:The show for this weekend looks to be a wash out. They are calling for a 90% chance of rain so save your time and money.. I'm suppose to set up a booth but I dont think Im even going to do that. Tired of being cold and wet. Anyone want to buy a powder coat shop??
Anyway I do not want to trash my car on its first showing so she is staying home for sure.. Oh well its a long summer, just hope they all don't get rained out...:(

falcon cobra
May 2nd, 2014, 09:16 AM
What!! the sun is suppose to shine there more than anywhere in Washington, and now it's going to rain....I think you need to have a word with the weather man....jh:rain:

May 2nd, 2014, 01:45 PM
There's a nice show an swap meet here on the right side of the state Sunday.
We'll be going and its supposed to be nice:D

75* right now with a light breeze.

Dang. Just looked at the weather 50% chance of t storms...:bicker:

May 6th, 2014, 06:59 PM
Is there a safe seatbelt system that will fit in a stockish car without having to add a roll bar. (Four Point)??

This is how Ford dealers were installing shoulder belts in Fairlane Hardtops in 1966. They, effectively, put a bolt through the roof and secured it with a big chrome washer. It looks like you might have dented the roof if you pulled hard on the shoulder strap. This is from a Fairlane Club's newsletter.


May 6th, 2014, 08:59 PM
Think I'll pass.

May 7th, 2014, 12:43 PM
Hmmm, that's one way of doing it I suppose. Probably the only way they could do it that didn't involve welding and ruining the paint??!

May 7th, 2014, 12:52 PM
Yeah - I thought to myself...

...'if you needed to benefit of having the shoulder straps (due to an accident) then the roof would then be the least of your worries.'


If the headliner wasn't installed, you might have been able to put a bar from one side to the other, bolting it into the same surface the bows go through.

May 7th, 2014, 01:04 PM
And this has what to do with the car show? Just kidding don't care.

May 7th, 2014, 01:15 PM
Just a quick heads up:The show for this weekend looks to be a wash out. They are calling for a 90% chance of rain...:(

I did go over there last weekend, but not with my cars. They are just not "shook out" yet. Sadly you don't just snap your fingers and get these cars to run the way they are supposed to - though I suspect some may think they are 'so simple' even we should be able to do it. Sorry, not with 50+ year old parts to work with - or when cobbling together technologies that span 5 decades. Anyway, I have some more tweaks to do before I'm happy with them enough to drive a couple hundred miles.

But before I digress...

Needless to say the weather was abysmal over on the Olympic side Saturday and Sunday, though I suspect it was better of the two days on Saturday. I went to Forks and La Push that day and it was WET there. I feel bad when people plan and plan for some event and then mother nature says... "Nope".

May 7th, 2014, 01:19 PM
And this has what to do with the car show? Just kidding don't care.

I know, it's funny to watch how threads just turn left somehow. I see how it happened, but yeah, funny...

May 7th, 2014, 03:57 PM
Back on topic..... Funny how I've never seen those plates for the shoulder belts re-popped!

May 7th, 2014, 04:05 PM
Back on topic..... Funny how I've never seen those plates for the shoulder belts re-popped!


Funny thing is, I think I have something that looks like those, but never knew what they were for. Now I got to see where - in my pile - I have those. They might be worth a fortune! [yay]

May 7th, 2014, 04:21 PM
Maybe you should put them up for bid here on the Forum. You might start a bidding war and the Forum could go in competition with eBay.:D

May 7th, 2014, 04:25 PM
Might as well put them in this thread, everything else is. :ROTFLMAO: