View Full Version : Day trip to three county parks

September 8th, 2013, 06:08 PM
We added 61 miles to the odometer of "The Wonder Falcon" and visited a trifecta of three Hillsborough County, Florida parks today.

We visited Lithia Spring first. The cool water felt nice but I got a slight sun burn. "The park’s major attraction is the natural spring that provides an excellent swimming experience since the water temperature remains at 72 degrees year around. In addition to swimming, there is a bath house, playground and picnic facilities.":

Then we went to Eureka Spring county park. "In 1938, amateur botanist and world traveler Albert Greenburg established a botanical garden with tropical plants around springs that fed a lush floodplain forest along Six Mile Creek. Years later, he started the first tropical fish farm in Florida in the springs, and in 1967 donated the 31-acre site to the county. Construction of the Tampa Bypass Canal ruined the hydrology of the springs, so they rarely ever flow, but the gardens remain. They include the largest publicly owned collection of ferns in Florida, a rose garden, and an orchid room, as well as boardwalks winding through a lush floodplain forest of maples, cypresses, and tupelo."

Lastly we visited the Hillsborough County Veteran's memorial park. Reading the placards at the Korean and Vietnam memorials made me want to cry.
Veteran's Memorial Park:

Vietnam women's memorial:

Korean war Inchon memorial: