View Full Version : 24F Battery with Tabs

December 29th, 2011, 11:35 PM
So it's time to get a new battery for the `62 and I can't seem to find a 24F that has the foot or tab on the bottom (short edge) for the clamp to hold it down. You can see one on the first image but newer ones are just smooth sided.

I could just drill some holes in the tray and put on an aftermarket hold-down that goes over the top of the battery but would rather stick with the clamp.

I think I have a "Super Crank" brand or something and don't remember where I got it many years ago. It's getting a leak and I've probably had it for 6 years or more. It does have the bottom tab though.

Anyone been battery shopping lately?

December 30th, 2011, 05:23 PM
I've looked and can't find them at a regular retailers anymore and can't stomach the cost for a concours correct Autolite battery.

I made my own mounting tabs on my wagon (I have an Optima battery in it) using a pair of large SS hose clamps tied together banding the base of the battery. Holds pretty good, but no telling what would happen if it got smacked good and hard - and I hope to never find out.

On the Ranchero I did something else, which is only a half-hearted attempt to hold it down - so far. I bent an L-bracket the height of the battery and then folded a side over and slid it into where the carry straps go. Holds one side OK, but on the apron side it is still free.

Jeff W
December 30th, 2011, 08:25 PM
Try running a couple of drywall screws through the battery tray and into the bottom of the battery:p

I am going to use a top hold down with the two threaded rods from a 1967 Mustang. I will need to fab a tab one the engine side of the tray and likely drill a small hole in the inner fender apron for the outer rod. Not ideal but better than what I have now...gravity.

December 30th, 2011, 09:56 PM
A good friend of mine did a clever custom battery hold-down with a shiny Snap-On open end wrench with two holes drilled near the end. I'll see if I can find a photo.

I have a spare Optima red top if you want to see how it fits.

December 30th, 2011, 09:58 PM
I had that same thought about making a strap to hook where the carry strap goes and put some pressure on it with the clamp. You should be able to make one just like it for the apron side. You would just need to be careful with the height so it puts a little downward pressure on the battery.

December 31st, 2011, 10:57 AM
My car's not "rat rod" enough but the wrench idea might work for the Flarechero. You could also weld the correct size nuts in place and use them to put the hold down rods through??

December 31st, 2011, 05:17 PM
I guess I can't chime in here too much since nothing on my car is stock. I like the screws through the bottom idea Jeff.

At batteries plus they carry a battery that might work for $64.99. They said they could order it and have it in about a week. Is this the one you are looking for?


December 31st, 2011, 05:37 PM
Looks like it has a tab. Interesting.

I love this:
Primary Applications: Golf cart, lawn and garden and more...


December 31st, 2011, 05:40 PM
My car's not "rat rod" enough but the wrench idea might work for the Flarechero. You could also weld the correct size nuts in place and use them to put the hold down rods through??

Hum.... :cool:

Of course, I rotated the battery to the 64/64 style tray (low and parallel to the core support), but I think I could get away with it.

January 4th, 2012, 03:45 PM
After talking to Gene, he mentioned having found an Excide brand battery with tabs, so I Googled Excide and found this:


Their Classic line has tabs.

January 4th, 2012, 05:00 PM
Mine is marked with "Type 24F". I suspect the "F" may be significant. If I remember correctly (3 yrs. ago), I got mine at Pacific Power on Broadway in Everett.

January 5th, 2012, 08:19 AM
Jeff found a link to the one I have in right now. I think my parents were in town when I bought it and we used their Sam's Club card.


Now that may just be an old stock photo. And I don't have a membership anyway.

Looks like I may be doing some running around this weekend battery shopping! I wonder who sells Exide in my neck of the woods? Those look like they should work as well.

January 5th, 2012, 09:34 AM
The other place you might want to check, which I never did, is Interstate batteries. They are sold by everyone out here and their warehouse is just around the block from where I live.

January 6th, 2012, 03:59 PM
The 24 is the group size of the battery and the "F" is a reverse post battery, meaning the 24 has the posts in one direction on the top and the 24F has them in the opposite direction. The Exide batteries should have the tabs on the bottom of the battery on either one. Hope this helps.

January 7th, 2012, 06:00 PM
Did some shopping around today and ending up getting a 24F at Budget Battery on Lake City Way that has the tabs. Their 60 month was $80. Nice guy working there and they get good reviews on Yelp. Only issue so far is the label puts the UGH in Ugly! I peeled it off intact so I can use spray adhesive to put it back on if I ever need to.

Now I need to pull the tray, clean off the acid from the old, leaky battery and repaint.

January 7th, 2012, 08:18 PM
I drive by that place twice a day, but there's just something about a place called "Budget Batteries" that keeps me driving right on past. Will be interesting to see if you have any issues going forward.

They do sell fake covers for batteries - but they cost almost half as much as a new battery. I agree, some of the labels are pretty ugly in a car you open the hood on.

January 8th, 2012, 07:46 PM
Since I replaced my old battery with a Costco/Kirkland one that was much smaller I had to secure the new one somehow. After reading the thread and thinking about the tabs I decided to use the tab clamp in a different way. So I did this tonight for under $5. Used Flat Punched 1/16 inch thick and bent it to the proper config, rolling the edges to ensure no random hand damage (cuts, scrapes, etc.) would occur in the future. Better than a bungy cord I guess :).

Guy Monjure
January 10th, 2012, 07:45 AM
The tab you made looks great. With the new battery and hold down tab it looks to good for your battery tray.

January 10th, 2012, 09:27 AM
I noticed that in the pictures too. I'll tackle that when I do the engine compartment "clean and shine" project. Maybe when it gets warmer.

January 10th, 2012, 09:37 AM
I was going to post an observation, but shoot I always post observations. And then I thought, "I know, so what's stopping you now?" So here is my observation...

I assume this is pipe strap, which is pretty strong when it comes to pulling strength, but not bending strength. I would suggest adding a bolt lower on the fender apron. This will keep the strap from bending outward at the bolt you currently have on the apron. I did a couple photo edits to show you what I mean. Hope this helps.

January 10th, 2012, 11:37 AM
Well it is Flat Punched 1/16 inch stock so it is pretty hefty for the task at hand. I do like the lower mount point you have illustrated which would alleviate any chance of outward bowing/bending. I just wish I would have thought of it at the time of fabrication and installation :doh:. Now I have to figure out if I want to add another bolt or shorten the strap and just have one and then plug the other hole I drilled.

Thanks for the input, it makes it a better and stronger design.

January 10th, 2012, 12:37 PM
Two bolts are better than one. I'd just drill another hole down yonder, slap a bolt in and a nut on the underside and call it good. Be sure to check for "things" on the back-side before you drill, of course. You should be able to do it with a hand drill and a 5/16" bit in just a few minutes. [thumb]

On a side note, I highly recommend this to any of you who work on your own car and want to drill into sheet metal. Go to Harbor Freight and get one of their 3-piece step-drill packs. They're always on sale with a coupon for about $8. These things are surprisingly high quality (for Harbor Freight) and make perfectly round holes in sheet metal. I have a set in every tool box. Anyone who uses drills a lot knows you get a rather "triangular hole" using a regular drill bit in sheet material.

Guy Monjure
January 10th, 2012, 04:20 PM
Could you tell me what benifits you get from installing a smaller battery? And I don't blame you for waiting for warmer weather for a clean and shine!


January 10th, 2012, 08:17 PM
No benefits, other than easier to re-install and lug around. I suppose you could make the case for more room around the pullies, belts, and the generator/alternator but for me, I just needed a new battery to get to the Jingle Bell Cruise. At the time the Costco I went to did not have one in stock that "matched" the Interstate one I had. They had one with the poles reversed that was close but then I would have to get longer battery cables, etc. He then looked in the catalog and this one showed up for 64 Falcons and Mustangs so I took it for $60.

What the experts say about Kirkland and Optima Brands

If you're a member of Costco then you will be able to purchase the Kirkland batteries. These are some of the best value batteries on the market. They can handle extreme temperatures, have very long life spans and are very affordable. Don't turn up your nose at these great value for money batteries, because Kirkland batteries are ranked right up there with Optima, some of the highest rated and most expensive high performance batteries on the market.

Optima Batteries will last two or three times longer than a normal conventional battery as we know them.
This battery can be used in many different types of vehicle and used in any terrain. The battery will never spill acid if it is overturned in a vehicle and includes a vibration resistant design. The actual cells are wound in a spiral. This is quite a clever construction because it gives a larger area of coverage for the lead alloy electrodes. The power is greatly increased, when compared to our normally shaped battery. All of this comes with a higher than normal price

If ever you need to recharge an Optima battery then this can be accomplished up to ten times faster than a normal conventional battery. Optima spiral cells batteries have now been in development since the early eighties. The teething problems with this type of battery are now long gone.

Guy Monjure
January 11th, 2012, 08:19 AM
Hey, thanks for the schooling on batties. I thank you for your time in answering my question. Good luck with your new battery tab and on a personal note I'm not the type of person to turn his nose up at anything or anyone. I have found it much more satisfing helping people and just like to learn as much as I can.

January 11th, 2012, 10:57 AM
Indeed, that's good to know that Costco has good batteries you can depend on. I'll be considering them since I need a new battery for my '07 Escape.

So Guy, I read the comment about "not being the type of person to turn up your nose at anything or anyone" and wonder what prompted it? I instantly think (because I'm so insecure ;) ), "Shoot, did 'I' say something to make Guy make that comment?" I hope I didn't, but if I did, my sincere apologies.

We are all friends here and some of us are "engineer types" and some of us are trying... to quote a Beatles song, "get by with a little help from our friends." So, when someone, like me, sees what another person has done, which may be questionable in regards to safety, I think to myself I'd be remiss to not point it out to them. As long as it's not worded something like, "You fool, what were you thinking!" I think we're all good here. That sort of thing has happened before, and we generally frown upon that sort of behavior.

I, of course, applaud anyone who has a go at it on their own, but we've all learned from mistakes - and we all hope to help others avoid the mistakes we, ourselves, have made. That should not be mistaken, hopefully, as criticizing the thing they did. This is, too, the underlying reason there are forums like this one. We're here to help as best we can through this limited medium.

If, of course, I've totally shoved my foot into my mouth...



January 11th, 2012, 05:39 PM
I think Guy might be referencing the Expert Quote of "Don't turn up your nose at these great value for money batteries..". If that is the case, I appologize for any misunderstanding, as I had just cut and pasted it from a review website.

As to the over-information I shared on the batteries.. I thought folks might be interested from a cost/performance perspective. I also thought the descriptive nature of the Optima was very enlightening, especially for myself. I had no idea about all the engineering and benefits of the Optima.

Hope that clears the air, if in fact it needed clearing.:o

January 11th, 2012, 09:05 PM
Oh... I don't know why I didn't see that the 3 times I read it.

Guy Monjure
January 15th, 2012, 07:51 AM
Good Morning,

No apologies needed please. All of you guys have been a great help to me over this past year. I have enjoyed the club, and have benifited from both your knowledge and friendships. I only wish I lived closer and could hang out with you guys.

In the e-mail for the next club meeting I received it states this may be the last year for the Rainier Falcons. Whats up with that?

I'm going to finish wiring up the altenator this weekend and install the battery.

Well the season ended for New Orleans yesterday. But I must say my home team had an exciting year all and all. Its hard to win a game with five turnovers! Of the teams left who are you guys routing for? I would like to see New York win it all.


January 15th, 2012, 08:43 AM
Guy, I was making a play on the [I thought it to be] common knowledge that the end of the world was coming because the Mayan calendar ends on December 21, 2012. We all hope those Mayan's were wrong and the club (and the rest of the world) will survive to see 2013.

Guy Monjure
January 15th, 2012, 09:49 AM
Oh sh&t I forgot about that. What if I can't finish my 63 till next year!!!

January 15th, 2012, 04:27 PM
Finally got the battery tray cleaned and repainted and the new battery is now clamped in place. And hopefully my "Budget Battery" will give me at least 60 months of good service...then I'll be a happy camper!

I'll report back here if there are ever any signs of trouble!

Guy Monjure
January 16th, 2012, 08:52 AM
Looks great.

January 16th, 2012, 09:22 AM

I have an idea for you. With your amazing ability at art, you could make an art-work copy of an Autolite battery and have it plastic laminated. Then fold it over and cover the top and maybe even the side of this battery.

Wa-la, faux Autolite battery.


January 16th, 2012, 09:50 AM
Sounds like another "project" for my list. Or maybe just a $5 label??


January 16th, 2012, 10:09 AM
Wow, yeah. That's a good label for the side. They sell a top "cover", but they are too pricey and I think the pre-cut holes are for Optima batteries. At least the one's I've seen.

January 16th, 2012, 03:50 PM
Here's one that "will fool all but the most experienced eyes" and it fits the conventional 2 post battery.

http://macsautoparts.com/bronco-autolite-sta-ful-battery-cover-hardtop-24-staful/camid/BRO/cp/5G0H6ZC81000079/ $39.95
http://www.cjponyparts.com/autolite-battery-cover-24f-1964-1971/p/BATC/ (http://www.cjponyparts.com/autolite-battery-cover-24f-1964-1971/p/BATC/) $35.05


January 16th, 2012, 03:59 PM
Ah heck, for about $200 more than the cost of a budget battery and a fake plastic top you could get yourself the real thing, but new and improved!


Or not. ;)

January 16th, 2012, 10:04 PM
And "Free Shipping" too. What a deal!

July 6th, 2016, 12:05 PM
Thought I'd dredge up this old thread for an update. The Budget Battery finally pooped out after 4+ years. I decided to look for something a little better but man, these particular batteries are getting hard to find.

Finding a 24F isn't too tough but finding one with the tabs at the bottom is. I probably called around to 10 sources in the Seattle area and stopped by a couple but they all had smooth sides. And I wasn't willing yet to redo the hold down to one that goes over the top of the battery.

So I thought Walmart in Everett might have one, drove up and it was no go. Drove over to Interstate and no tab on theirs either. Then I called up Pacific Power Batteries nearby and it sounded promising. Sure enough! I found a 5-year, sealed with 700 CCA for $128.

Glad to at least be on the road again. :3g:

July 6th, 2016, 12:21 PM
Home Depot also carries a 24F w/tabs. I got one there a coupla months ago. Glad yer on the road again.

July 6th, 2016, 01:34 PM
I got something at PepBoys that had tabs and fit, but I don't think I ended up with a 24F, which didn't have tabs. 8-something-model comes to mind, but will check soon just to add it to this thread.

July 6th, 2016, 05:34 PM
I bought a heavy duty size 24F battery for The Wonder Falcon about four years ago. It has worked great, but .....

The heavy-duty 24F battery weighs 42 - 44 lbs with 875 cranking amps (CA).

The standard 22F battery weighs 28 - 31 lbs (14 lbs less) with 560 CA.


I think that I will try the lighter weight standard 22F battery next time for a 14 pound weight reduction.

See: http://www.interstatebatteries.com/p/automotive-truck/sp-22f-ford-falcon-1963-v8-4-3l?dsNav=N~21-2147384781-4294493582-4294490257-4294493392-2147384906