View Full Version : Sill Plates

September 18th, 2010, 04:03 PM
I am getting ready to install the sill plates that I bought from Falcon Enterprises but not sure if I have a problem. They are not opposite parts. Both are made the same. Shouldn't there be a left and a right part? Since one end has a curved side and the other end is a 90 degree corner I would think there is something wrong??

September 18th, 2010, 06:12 PM
My `62s are different for sure. I would say they goofed up!

September 18th, 2010, 08:41 PM
They do curve up at each end but there is a left and right.

September 21st, 2010, 12:35 PM
Well, Falcon Enterprises contacted me and said that their vendor screwed up but since I waited to long I would have to pay for shipping the parts back to them. Then they will send me new ones. Not quite satisfied but not much I can do. You would think that they would try to satisfy someone who spent thousands at their business. Oh well.

Jeff W
September 21st, 2010, 02:47 PM
You would think that they would try to satisfy someone who spent thousands at their business. Oh well.

... and is a member of a club that will most likely spend tens of thousands with them... or a competitor, in the next year.

September 23rd, 2010, 05:06 PM
I recieved a note back from Falcon Enterprises concerning them sending me two R/H door sills instead of a L/H and R/H. There answer was
After contact with the manufacturer, the sill plates are not returnable due to the extended time frame. We regret any inconvenience and look forward to serving you in the future. Sincerely, Ron Wilson, Falcon Enterprises.

Here is what I sent back to them.

That is a good business type answer. But, since you have rebuilt cars in the past yourself and know that projects get stalled due to serious health problems , (one of my issues), deaths in the family (another of my issues while I had to prepare their property for sale), and just plain old hard time to get the car together I know that you understand why this happens.
I will purchase another set from another company. You can look at your paperwork and see the amount of money I have spent at your company. $3129 rounded to the nearest dollar. Fairly good customer I would think. But no longer, I can assure you.
Like I mentioned below. You the seller get to put all kinds of policies for purchases in your website. WE the buyers don't get that opportunity. But I agree your rules give specific direction about returns. So, I can't fight that, but you being "right" does not mean that you are doing the "right" thing.
I am forward this email along to my Falcon Club and to the Falcon Club of America for their perusal. The Falcon clubs will see that you are following established guidelines and they will know that you are right. They will also understand that you must have guidelines. But boy, when you guys send me two right hand door sills instead of a left and right part, then say the vendor won't take them back you miss the whole concept.
I worked at Boeing for forty years and retired as a Quality manager. I never could get away with telling United Airlines that if they had a problem with their GE engines that the vendor wouldn't take it back. Boeing would not risk losing a great customer, because the name on the plane says Boeing, not G.E. Your name is on these wrong parts. Not your vendor.

As Benjamin Frankliin mentioned "The bitterness of poor quality remains long after the sweetness of a low price is forgotten"
Sincerely Larry Smith

September 23rd, 2010, 06:55 PM
Well put Larry! [BOW]

I mean...what's the actual amount of money he would lose on sending you the correct parts compared to the profit he's made (and could have continued to make) from your project. And the loss from others who may decide to go elsewhere when given the choice.

And someday, he may get a call from someone who had one damaged and shipping or just needed one side and he would have a spare on the shelf!

But I liked the way you handled it. No screaming or calling names. Just let your wallet do the talking.

September 24th, 2010, 08:16 AM
Thanks for the heads up. I just ordered about $500 worth of seals and they were on my list to get them from. I did change and ordered them from a competitor. Customer service means more to me than a couple bucks cheaper. Steve H.
Most of you have seen my car and know how much more there is to spend on it as well. This is why we have these boards and clubs to help each other out. Thanks again...

September 25th, 2010, 09:54 PM
KUDO's Larry!

September 26th, 2010, 01:41 PM

I really don't understand this sort of business practice, so I'm with you on this one too. It may have been OK (or safe, at least) 30 years ago to handle things like this, but I know word-of-mouth travels very fast these days. How many now, based upon your experience with a $50 item, will no longer send hundred's of dollars to this business? I think they may soon find out.

I know, considering I manage customer service, that some customers expect the world to stop for them, and sometimes I have to be pretty firm on policy, but I will never be accused of being unreasonable. This is a pretty clear case of an "oops" on their part - not you trying to get the upper hand. I would have bent the rules and slept well afterward.

September 27th, 2010, 10:53 AM
Spending the last 20 years of my career with Boeing as a Quality manager dealing with airline customers and our vendors I learned a lot about what is and isn't an "irate customer". My wife spent 25 years working at Sears in the customer service area so I heard plenty of stories about customers that should have been shot on the spot.
I have tried to be careful in this messaging to make it clear that Falcon Enterprises was "right" in their dealings with me. I do not want to be one of those irate customers that go crazy. But I am not a satisfied customer.
I definitely think their handling of the situation to a "good customer" was not the best process to follow. They fail to realize that an unsatisfied customer does have options when not satisfied. Those options can have more negative ramifications for their business than following the established "policies".
I guess the real crux of my frustration is that when I got the parts from them I did look at each part and verified that they were in good shape. Where I screwed up is in two ways. One being ignorant of the fact that they sent two right hand parts and then being delayed (which is the most common process failure in restoring a car). Those issues should have been looked at, by them, and on a case by case basis make a decision, not just give the normal policy statement because they can.
As you can see from the original note below, they did offer to send me new parts if I paid for return shipping. I told them then that it didn't seem right. So for that matter they did offer new parts. They then changed their mind after I questioned that cost.

September 27th, 2010, 11:06 AM

I missed that part about the shipping, but that is typical. To emphasize the idiocy of some people you say should be "shot on the spot", here is an example of a support request I received over the weekend. Almost funny:

Warning! Some foul language contained herein (and bad spelling too). :p

************************************************** ****
to whom it concerns,
I read the requirements for your program and no where did it say I would need to be computer tech. get the trainer working. I have done all I can and it still gives a no communication error.
Your trouble shooting refers me to another page that refers me back to my original page,circles i say circles- a circle has no end.
Your product has really helped my running and swimming as your piece of **** has been sitting in my basement since we got it (aprox. 3 weeks). I have tried everything your manuals suggested and still it sits there unused. the tech. links don't work, the manuels contradict eachother and my advil bottle is almost empty.
Computer tech i am not, triathlete i am.
Now i have to hire a computer tech to help us figure this mess out.
It will be a long winter ridding circles in the basement if i can't get this trainer fixed. how will i get any hill training doing circles?
Of course, he didn't use your tact in asking for help, but he also doesn't offer me much incentive to want to help. But it is a $1600 product, so I guess I will. :(

September 27th, 2010, 11:07 AM
Oh cool... we have anti-foul-language filtering! I didn't know that.