View Full Version : back up light switch

February 21st, 2010, 10:20 PM
I'm waiting for my 63 shop manual to show..

But in the mean time does anyone know how the back up switch works on a 63 v8 car with the fordo?

I'm assuming its in the column with the neutral safety switch?

if any one knows let me know


February 22nd, 2010, 12:54 AM
If it's on the column like my `62 had with the Ford-o, it's a curved plastic piece with brass fingers that push down and touch the inner tube that works the shifter. The inner tube has some metal strips that make a connection between the fingers when they are in a certain position. The plastic piece is held on by two screws and the holes are slotted so there's a little adjustment.

The photo shows the switch with the side showing that is outside the column. The brass fingers are riveted to the wires from underneath.

February 23rd, 2010, 10:13 AM

Looks just like what you have posted..

I got the lights to work if I hold the shifter in a certain position so I think there is something in the coulmn that needs fixing.


February 23rd, 2010, 06:15 PM
If you take the "switch" off and get a mirror and flashlight to look down the hole in the backside of the outer tube you will see the strips of metal that make the connections. They are embedded in the inner tube. Maybe try cleaning them with some 0000 steel wool. And clean the tabs on the switch plus flex them out a little so they make good contact.

It's a touchy adjustment though. I never could get mine to work very well when I installed the back-up lights. Either the neutral safety worked or the back-ups worked but never both unless you moved the shift lever a little. When I put in the C-4 I installed the switch that mounts on the tranny and it works great.

February 23rd, 2010, 06:23 PM

Thats a great idea.. i don't care for taking the steering column apart.. so a mirror and a flash light might work..

As of right now the nss works.. if I move the switch so the bul work the nss doesnt and the car wont start..

I went outside today to tinker and before i tried anything i thought i would check and everything worked.. the car would start and the lights came on..?

So I shifted it through its gears and checked again and it still worked.. so i wiggled the shifter and they would flicker but they would always come back on.. so either i wore off any oxidation there was on the switch or the fact the car has been hooked up to a fully charged battery after 5 years helped..

Someone else suggested maybe replacing the detent bracket in the column as maybe its worn and causing my issues..


February 23rd, 2010, 07:27 PM
I agree the worn detent plate may be part of the problem. Here's a nice one. $30 is kinda pricey but it looks sturdy:


February 23rd, 2010, 07:38 PM
That does look good..

It looks like i would also need to get the shift collar as well as my roll pin hole is slightly oblonged..

I like the scare tatic about the m series t bird popping out of park and crashing into the garage door..

I'll add it to myever growing list of things to fix or buy.. maybe i'll try the lesser expensive version from falconparts..
