View Full Version : carb issues

February 16th, 2010, 05:10 PM
the carb thats on the brand new motor is acting up. its trying to drown itself and will stall if your stopped and try to give it gas. it hesitates. when my grandpa took it in for its final adjustment on the tranny bands the mechanic took a look and said it had an internal leak a.k.a a valve wasnt closing all the way and thats whats causing it. so we looked into it and turns out he was right.. does anyone have advice for a noob that maybe can get it fixed with out a rebuild or new carb? it runs just fine once you get going, it kinda feels like a very small miss but thats about it. but stop signs etc and parking lots it stalls like crazy

February 17th, 2010, 09:29 PM

It's often the float either being "saturated" with fuel, if it's the fiber style (meaning it doesn't "float" anymore), or it's the needle and seat for the float not closing when the float level is at the right height.

For a noob, as you said, think of it like the valve in the back of your toilet. When you flush the toilet it's like doing wide open throttle, and when you're idling the fuel level is suppose to fill up the bowl. Actually you'll rarely empty the fuel bowl like you will a toilet tank. Anyway as that float rises back there it is supposed to shut off the flow of water. If it doesn't just like your toilet, the water (or fuel in your carb's case) just keeps a'flowing.

Not much you can do without taking the lid off the carb and checking things out. Sometimes you can, while it's running, take the wooden end of a hammer handle and just rap on the top of the carb to see if this will help seat things. This can sometime help to indicate a reason for the problem (faulty needle/seat), but is NOT a fix.

One other problem, but still requiring taking the lid off, is just the float level adjustment. May be set too high, but this doesn't usually "just happen," so if you've not messed with anything and it was fine one day and not the next, it's probably not this.

Really sounds like a carb rebuild is in your future, sorry to say. Hey - looks like a tech day project! But you may not want to wait that long. :(

Good thing is that carb kits are not very expensive and if you start with a clean work bench and are very careful taking things apart (take digital photo's as you go -- something I didn't have when I was your age) you'll have very good instructions in the kit and will likely get it together and gain some valuable knowledge as well.

Hope you followed all this...

February 17th, 2010, 09:31 PM
yeah i followed. its kind of my daily now and it sucks to stall in the middle of an intersection haha. i need a cheap one th will work for a few days till i can redo this one. thanks for the help!

February 17th, 2010, 09:33 PM
See the PM, but I may have a few carbs in a bin left over from last years swap meet. Need to see what type you have though...

February 17th, 2010, 09:34 PM
http://photos-b.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs297.ash1/22461_109009469113564_100000135335630_239305_28772 40_n.jpghttp://photos-f.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs217.snc3/22461_109009475780230_100000135335630_239307_24609 68_n.jpg

February 17th, 2010, 09:37 PM
thats about what i can do at this time of night. those were taken today. we tried the old auto choke we found but it wouldnt run right so we put this back on and i kinda drove/stalled it home. kind of a bummer seeing its a brand new motor :/ we pulled it used a bit of carb cleaner and compressed air to no avail

February 17th, 2010, 09:40 PM
Earliest I could look for something is tomorrow for you. These are buried in my storage shed. But honestly, may not be that any I have (if I still do) will work as-is. Have no idea of their condition.

February 17th, 2010, 09:41 PM
right on. just let me know. and thank you a ton hahaha

February 18th, 2010, 12:35 PM
That looks like an Autolite 1100. Pretty easy carb to fiddle with. Try a google search for "tune autolite 1100" and there should be lots of advice.

Pony Carburetors is the self-proclaimed experts on these carbs although I think their rebuilds are on the expensive side!

February 18th, 2010, 02:52 PM
im gonna try one last thing. an old guy said to rev up the motor kinda high then clamp my hand over the carb and hold it there till its about to die and let off and he said that usually that can suck out a lot of crap from the suction. anyone ever tried this?

February 18th, 2010, 08:40 PM

Just got home, so couldn't get home in time today to dig out the shed to look for those. Because I had to work so late today I'm going to try and get out of work early tomorrow, so I'll for sure give you a heads-up if I find anything.

Sorry 'bout that.

As for "sucking things out" with vacuum like that, seems like it would certainly suck anything available to suck if you did that. Not sure what you have is from something of that nature, but sure can't hurt anything. You may have better luck just forcing the choke valve shut though -- unless you can pull that air cleaner clamp thingy off so you can really put something flat over the carb. I wouldn't use your hand just in case it backfires and flames up. That wouldn't be pleasant.

February 18th, 2010, 08:48 PM
thanks for the offer but thats ok. i tried the hand thing and some carb cleaner and it made it even worse. so over the weekend my granpas gonna help me out and rebuild it.

February 20th, 2010, 10:26 PM

Hopefully the rebuild is in-process and you'll be up and going soon.

Interestingly, I ran into the same problem today on this flatbed hauler I'm working on. It had a carb rebuild just the week before I took possession of the truck and today I went to move it and it ran good for a minute and then just started coughing and belching. I look under the hood and fuel is just pouring from all around this "newly rebuilt" carb. That's what it was doing before and why we had it rebuilt!

So I yanked the carb and could not believe what I found. To think they claimed to have rebuilt it. Crud inside, gaskets not cleaned off, clearly the body wasn't cleaned, old gaskets still in place and just new gaskets added. A really crappy job. :mad:

What's worse is I'm sure the company (who I work for and who gave me the truck) paid over $200 bucks to have this shoddy work done. I am certainly going to have a word with this shop next week about this, that's for sure. :bicker:

So as the saying goes, if you want something done right, you gotta do it yourself! You just can't trust shops, it seems.

February 20th, 2010, 10:28 PM
well we took it to the shop and they put in the wrong needles the first time!! it works but i need to get it tuned. and i would definately have a word with the shop! thats terrible