After the bleak attendance at the last meeting - and the mini regional, as well - I have gone though to check where everyone is; things like, who's still listed as members, who have let their dues lapse, who are selling their cars (or have sold them already) and leaving the club as a result. or who have simply moved or are now or have always been "out of the area." It appears there are really not that many members who are nearby anymore. Members yes, but not local members. We have members who are not on the forum as well, but I don't have much information about them yet.

We've always had issues with members being too far away (like Florida) to come to meetings, but there needs to be a better way to know how to proceed. That's my goal here.

If you are all unaware of this little page, have a look. See where you are on this list and whether this lines up with where you thought you were. For instance, many just don't realize they are no longer paid members:

I'm also opening up this thread to allow (beg) users to comment on what they'd like to see happen. Goals they'd like to see in the club, but are not being met. How they might be able to help. Anything that is on your mind, please say it. This thread will hopefully help us plan for the club's future.
