Well guys, we're all in the same boat. I'm down to one Falcon from my peak of three (holding onto the 63 Ranchero) and am just finishing the build of a members 63 wagon (see thread elsewhere - I need badly to update). I've been sadly away from the forum here as I did this wagon build and now it is done (shy of starting it, which is coming up this Saturday the 29th, Oct 2022. At that point I will be moving back onto my Ranchero for a few more updates as I plan to make it more a daily than a yearly ride.

Anyway, welcome back and welcome here. The forum was built to handle some of the flow from TFFN to other places, but it seems Facebook (which I personally loath for project progress reports... there is none) has most people heading there. It works fine for "Hey, look at what I did" instant reactions, but if I want to show the entire duration of a build from A-Z, you loose the cohesive bit. Not sure what can be done for that.

Looking forward to seeing your cars.