Here's an update for what's happening.

1) I've pretty-much moved to the Southern Estate (SE) now. Certainly feels good to have that behind me. Still lots to sort out/through, but no longer pulling clothes out of a box to wear everyday.

2) The Ranchero and my '66 pickup are at the SE now, as well, though there is no garage yet for them. The Ranchero, at least, is under the ghetto garage.

3) It took about 6 weeks of nearly 12 hour days (on average) with nearly no breaks or days off to go through all of the stuff I had, and Lila had, to decide what we were going to keep and what we were gonna sell. Click on the link in the first thread to see an update on the sale, with list and pictures. They added a day to the sale because there was far too much for a standard 2-day sale. Suffice it to say, it is pure insanity there. I can only hope and pray a big chunk of it sells. I am selling some of the equipment I had too, so someone is going to get some good deals. The sale is next weekend (Oct. 25-27).

4) Have been trying for months to get a civil engineer to the SE to get this garage project going, but have had no calls until just about a week ago. The engineer said, "What triggered the need for a drainage engineer is because the building is over 750 sq. ft." After learning what it would cost for their service and the work and all, it took me less that 5 seconds to decide I could easy make due with a smaller garage footprint. So, now awaiting the builder to offer a redesign. I'm a bit PO'd I wasn't notified by [ insert whoever here ] that this was a threshold I could have avoided. 864 sq. ft. and 750 sq. ft. isn't hard to adjust to. Especially now that I'm selling off all the stuff I was planning to use/store.