Now that I got all the touch-up painting done I was able to put the new cowl seal and hood bumpers on with cleaned-up bolts. I also scrubbed the underside of the hood to make it presentable.


One thing I discovered when I first opened the hood on Freddie was the absence of the safety catch for the hood. So today I made one...

hood_safety1.jpg this could hook onto it...

hood_safety2.jpg this...

hood_safety3.jpg case the hood came un-done while driving it will catch like this...


I also removed the hood pin to straighten the the nut in the hood since the pin was askew. While the pin was off I lowered the hood to check alignment and adjusted that somewhat and set the front rubber bumper stops. Once adjusted I reattached the pin and safety and set the latch. When that was all good I put the grille on after getting it cleaned and straightened up again. Freddie is nearing to be Freddie again.
