Finally got the axles measured and it surprised me a bit with what I found. So here is my best description of what I measured.

8" axle from center of pinion bolt to drivers backing plate= 25&1/2"
to drivers WMS = 29&1/2"
to pass backing plate = 25"
to pass WMS = 28&1/2"

8.8" axle from center of pinion bolt to drivers backing plate =27"
to drivers WMS =29&1/2"
to pass backing plate =25&1/2"
to pass WMS = 28&1/2"
So it looks like the WMS to WMS is exactly the same on both axles, the difference is in the drum thickness vs the disc brake thickness.
The only measure me I wish I would have done and wil do is put a tape from WMS to WMS and see if the pinion nut is the same between both axles.
Let me know if you see anything I am missing or misinterpreting.