Man, you can't beat almost free. Barter when you can. Glad to hear it can now move forward again.

I don't know what's up w/my elbow. But whoever is shoving the knife into it, I wish they'd stop. I suspect arthritis that I aggravated pounding all the floors into submission, since that's when it went ballistic. For a few years, since I started doing a particular job at work, which requires ungodly amounts of repetitive mouse and text editing, it has slowly caused issue in the right arm. I changed a lot of my setup at work to help, but may have been too little, too late. This is specific to the elbow though, so I should go get it checked out. Have been waiting until this project at work was done - as well as the flare-n-stein. Both are done, for all intents and purposes, so maybe I'll go see what's up when I get back from this next trade show.